Friday, March 31, 2006
hmm.went for kidsREAD was okay i to learn to nice to children.=P and speak in simple english.[i kept saying "characters" until i realised they may not know what i meant so i switched to.."people".since it's presumably the same thing.O.o] and urhm brush up on exciting reading skills.[not that they are exciting.what i mean is that you have to make the story sound exciting.xP]
ooh.bought a little clutch thing today!! =D it's ahem.the same as zhilei's.but a different colour.=D it's black!! so pretty.xD haha.the purple one was pretty too!! but purple is kind of hard to match it shall! i can use it at night for all those dinners that one has to attend.and performances.and stuff like that.everytime some formal event comes along, i always realise that i not only have nothing to wear, but i also have nothing to carry my junk in.this clutch is perfect because it can hold loads of things.=) my other clutch is a bit too..urhm..skinny.=P stuffed it totally full the last time..completely hideous this clutch is great.a spacious thing it is.=D's got this fabulous japanese print material!!! *beams* i love japanese prints.SO PRETTY.*squeals!* and it's got a zhao cai mao on know..that neko invite wealth into the purse.haha.=P
japanese prints..ohh.where shall i start? japanese kimono prints..omigosh! so pretty!!! xD *beams* i love their butterflies, sakuras, animals, scenes from nature basically.always a winner with me.[unless you have a hideous frog on it or some such thing..] and i love the slightly heavier than cotton type of's's kind of satiny..but because it's can feel the texture.=D of course..most kimonos are actually handpainted silk but i'm talking about those pretty prints this:'s a very very very ordinary print.but hrm.strangely enough..i can't quite find any online.sad.xP i wanted to use a kimono print background for this blog but didn't work out.resources are people not consider the prettiness of kimono prints?! sigh.visit this place to see a really pretty makeup bag with a kimono print!!! =D so pretty!!! okay.i should think of more descriptive! it's so intricate and beautiful!'s not that intricate.O.o but point is that these kimono prints are addictively attractive.=) one cannot help but love them! and i saw these DIY kimono-inspired tops/dresses in the Gothic Lolita Bible.o's available right here on our very shores! too bad this issue didn't have pretty pictures of Mana..or Miyavi.they were so pretty! i love the print.sigh.why did the Chinese not come up with this?
bought a magazine on chocolate too!!! =D exciting stuff man.haha.eet eez called zee Chocolatier: A Taste of the Good Life.woo! haha.all about chocolate!! all desserts!!! my dream magazine i tell you.except that i don't usually go for such specific magazines since they can be quite's nicer to go for a mass magazine but one with a lot a lot of dessert/baking recipes.hehe.=P i love food magazines with amazing pictures as Donna goodness.i adore their pictures.they have superb food stylists and photographers!!! *squeals!* Gourmet too has brilliant photographs.but i really really really really really love Donna, it's got a very friendly layout so it's incredibly easy to read and scan through.i's great just for the pictures.the recipes are a plus.and the articles are a bonus! haha.=D
hmm.more cip tomorrow.hopefully i'll be able to work up the determination to finish 2 essays on sunday.=S
[music story gackt + shallow sleep hyde]
[mood sleepy.oh so sleepy!]
[food nuggets! lemon biscuits.xD]
Thursday, March 30, 2006
helloresearching on un sbqs.that's all i seem to be doing these days.and i found a picture of Pol Pot.he is hideous!!! and he looks a little like Kim Jong's the hair i tell you.these crazy dictators have one kind of haircut -'d think that with all the money they're collecting indiscriminately, they could employ a great hairstylist but noooo.instead they allow themselves to have ugly haircuts and end up looking like crap on their propaganda material.tsk tsk.not exactly good at selling themselves are they.xP poor marketing strategies!!! and plus, they are never thin.though that bit is understandable seeing as how they feast and waste food while the population starves to bits.i guess a bit of exercise never did any harm to anybody..been thinking about the gackt song "Saikai~story~" the whole day today.i can't stop thinking of the performance in sixth day seventh night! xP i utterly fangirling of me.but it was actually quite a moving performance..the song itself helps of course, being emotive and all that.a lot of gackt songs are emotive actually if you think about emu~for my dear~ another dear favourite of mine.along with saikai~story~, Love Letter and sekirei~seki-ray~ now.haha.=P so much for once not liking seki-ray.i have realised my mistake!! can't quite remember the lyrics to story though since it always seems to play on my neeon at noisy spots meaning poor gackt is usually drowned out by background noise..xP if not i'm doing my work and while i hear the music, it doesn't always register.but's so..moving.even though i've forgotten what the lyrics mean.and what he whispered at that mini talking bit in the song during the tour was just so sweet!!! omg.xDbesides his emotive songs that tend to range from ballads to slow songs to songs that build up to a fabulous climax, he's got those fabulous catchy songs as know..extremely! and Mirror! and Another World! and Papa Lapped a Pap Lopped! and U+K! and Mizerable! =D and then you've got the heavier rock-ish songs like.. Redemption! and Ash! and noesis! and Lu:na! and Illness Illusion! and Metamorphoze! ahem.i shan't list everything.=P needless to say..his songs are vastly entertaining despite not knowing what they mean.=Phmm.had tuition teacher was rather upset that i had only aimed to pass.he was like, "you mean you're happy with that? is that all you're aiming for?" and well..unfortunately..yes..i was merely aiming to pass this term exam.but now that i see results blooming slightly after much much hard work, motivation has returned!!! i shall not be merely satisfied with a pass the next time round.must work hard to make this a reality!!! =D shall be spending more time in tuition.yes.must be DETERMINED!had health talk today about Mental Toughness.i am not at all mentally tough nor am i an optimist.teehee.=P but it's not a bad thing.with pessimism, at least i'll be able to see all the dark corners and then try to turn the light on them.=) which means i'm not that pessimistic.O.o though i don't know if i ever truly was..hmm.but anyway, health talk was urhmmm.mildly informative i suppose.nothing i can't find out on my own..i suppose all these compulsory things are about stuff that we can find out on our's whether we want to do so or by making it compulsory and shoving the information at us..i guess they are hoping to fill in the obvious gaps in our languishing brains..bah! i think for these ngoei is better off doing it like miss ng..her method seems to be constantly shoving the format down our throats, she's almost got it there.almost.O.o but sea seems slightly easier since it's more you know what's going to come out..almost.and there's a lot of notes on the nonsense in all the details that we have to know as contextual knowledge.ih on the other hand..-.-" stupid's not exactly fabulous when you have this broad category of the UN.and like urhm..a timeframe of 1945-1991 which is basically much for having great vast amounts of contextual knowledge.xP and the fact that the sources are always making references doesn't really help at all..sigh.right.should you know..continue research.=D good luck everyone.the weekend is almost here! *beams*cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music saikai~story~ + sekirei~seki-ray~ gackt + shallow sleep hyde][mood sigh.][food carrot cake! the chinese kind.the white kind.with prawns!]
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
hellotoday i realised with shock and horror that i've actually run out of bimbotic things to it possible? is it true??o yes.i looked high and low for something bimbotic that i hadn't read but there wasn't anything to be found.the sky has finally fallen! sy has actually run out of bimbotic things to read!!! so instead, i read about food.=D very informative and articulate essays by a person who's rather an authority on the subject, i doubt they can be considered bimbotic.the duchess of malfi also, can't quite be considered bimbotic..after all it's literature.and you don't argue with that.;Phowever, craving that feeling of not having to think, i whipped out another malice mizer dvd from the box set and proceeded to watch music videos! it was great..because all the PVs you see on youtube are like, really low quality.but on the dvd, the quality's great, unless they want to create an "old" effect, so it was fine watching it.illuminati has become even more disturbing now that the images are really clear.xP i am utterly certain they used porn stars in that video.honestly!!! however, some of those saggy bosoms..hmm..xP in any case, i realised their trend in videos tends to lead to the death of, what is up with that? i thought Merveilles meant is this the wonder of death? or the wonder of life ending?by looking at all the videos, there are more common trends! like how they seem to love dressing gackt in white.except for like illuminati where he was either clothes-less or in patent leather and gekka no yasoukyoku where he was in this black old french style clothing, the other videos had him in white.ooh.and mana has a penchant for blue lipstick and eyeshadow.i is a rather fetching colour against white and blonde but! another observation is how mana always seems to get pretty couture-like dresses!! how is that fair? especially when others like kami have to hang out in those embarrassing ABBA-like outfits of stretchy full-body lycra.O.o it's also interesting to note that kozi, yu-ki and kami all have varying levels of beauty in every scene, in every video.they either look too male to be in those outfits or pretty in a 'that's a nice costume with good makeup' way.poor must be upsetting having to dress in those rather hideous french style clothing of yesteryear.of course, in an effort to make the dvd worth it [because honestly.if i'd known what was inside, i would never buy it as an individual piece.] there's an extra photo gallery! with shots from their publicity campaigns for each video.=D with instrumental versions of the pieces playing in the background.and because of came to my attention that gackt can really hold a tune.because some of the instrumental bits when it came to part where he's supposed to sing, lapse into a very steady beat, with no particular melody.and that's when i realised..gackt's voice provided all the melody.O.o trust me.i was shocked.i didn't expect it to be like that..i thought maybe you know..the guitar or the piano would provide a little melody behind his voice but..apparently not! cool.and then, right after the videos, they have this short clip that seems to explore the world of follow this little journey through animated's quite cool because this was produced in like 1998 or 1999 and you know how far animators have progressed since then.showing that technology might not have been quite advanced back then.[a mere 6 or 7 years ago!] i think.hmm.anyway, it's cool because the artwork is from the Merveilles album it's a bit of a lazy way out..but well..urhm.*shrugs*it's a bit unnerving to think that teachers aren't giving much homework now.because this lull in homework giving is usually followed by a pile of mountainous work that seems endless and unscalable.sigh.better read the duchess of malfi and silas marner as quickly as possible..then that would mean less work later on..hopefully.O.ohmm.still trying to think of ways to consistently save money.been utterly poor since the dvd buying.shall have to build up thy bank account before i make another purchase.though the new gackt dvd comes out today in Japan..sigh.stupid hmv!!! least yesasia is cheaper.and with free shipping too!!! exciting.=D but.i must save up moneyyy first.moolah!! i hate being poor.increases my hope to start working after university, or even in university, to earn moolah! although you can't actually spend much when you just start working.since you're like you know..still poor and only beginning to build up that bank account!was looking at career options yesterday on work of an industrial psychologist really sounds very interesting.but in the US, it seems that the minimum of a master's is required and those with Ph.Ds earn a lot more and are more sought after.i don't know how the situation is here though.sigh.of course, counselling psychology and clinical psychology require master's degrees.even here.which is why i'm still considering whether or not it's a viable career option.i mean..what if i suddenly discover that i don't want to be a psychologist but have already gotten the required credentials?! i suppose though..with that psychological training, one would be able to still work in advertising.which is another option i'm looking at.however, taking an advertising/mass communications degree seems..i don't know.a bit limited? O.o much for settling on least i've narrowed down the choices.O.ocheers*[-witchstone-]*[music aegean malice mizer][mood normal][food mushroom onion omelette! xP pork chops!]ps: ate a bowl of instant noodles while it was pouring like mad outside.i'd forgotten how comforting a bowl of instant noodles could be..
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
hellonow i know why mom has been in a bad mood like..all the time.O.o hell hath no fury like a woman scorned's like a real life drama serial playing out before my very eyes!! okay i'm like, the only one in the family who doesn't seem exceptionally bothered..see..the maid my parents employ has a boyfriend..and there's this other maid who likes the same guy..but obviously he ain't into she's all jealous and everything.and makes threatening phone calls to my house!!! i was the recepient of one such phone call.the first one in fact, that started the chain and got my mom all worked up and everything.O.omy brother was dead serious when he came to talk to me about it and was all, don't overreact okay!!! and i'm like, urhm.if you can tell..i'm not the one overreacting at all...-.-" so yes.either my nonchalant attitude is worrying my mother or the danger of a woman crazy in love [literally!] is driving her to her wit's end.she keeps coming to tell me to be careful of this i think it's a rather bizarre situation that seems fun to watch from a distance but i obviously haven't been picking up those nervous wavelengths from my mom till wonder my dad told me to quit being so grouchy at her.-.-" not that i am..much.hrm.these are rather exciting developments.of course..i don't know the whole story and my mom seems unwilling to talk about it, preferring instead to go around with a furrowed brow.however..while i obviously don't quite see the "danger" in this situation because..honestly! who has the time to go stalk people and scare them nowadays?! but this seems to..i don't know.unreal.something that you wouldn't expect to happen to someone you know.that kinda thing.very other news..i've passed my math! yippee! =D joyous information indeed!!! ^_^ i am now utterly convinced [once again] that math tuition where i actually do my math cannot be anything but helpful!!! i shall have to go for 2 sessions a week.=D and more when tests make themselves appear from nowhere.constant vigilance! that can indeed be applied to the world of mathematics.why anyone would want to study it's philosophy however, is way beyond me..staring at my UN sbq right now.=( an essay!! how am i supposed to write another essay?! sigh.i have to do it case more come my way..=( this essay thing sucks.though i believe that it'll never do more harm than good.whatever inspired my words for SEA yesterday?? hmm..hmm.i've finally found out what sudoku is about.i know i know.totally totally late.but..better late than never! haha.=P if you think about isn't actually that difficult..just rather tedious in figuring out how to place the numbers since there are so many trillion boxes.of course this comes from the perspective of someone who hasn't actually DONE a sudoku puzzle so yes..don't trust me.signing up for SATs as well.groan.another bout of practice papers to do..i think i shall have to get a new book for my collegeboard one is almost completed..xP sigh.this is truly being disgustingly hardworking.on a lighter note! the J & K music nonstop today was basically...useless!!! they didn't even play nakashima mika so i could admire that black outfit in the video..they did play Kat-Tun though.they weren't bad..but they weren't like, so fantastically brilliant that i would fall in love with their music know.typical boyband stuff.nice to dance to, nice rhythm..but oh so forgettable.they remind me of w-inds actually.but i like their boybandness is forgiven.heh! =P and they had this informative clip in chinese about w-inds but i was, at that moment, staring intently at the miniature rectangle devoted to the video so..ahem..didn't quite catch it.i tend to tune out mandarin really's quite a bad habit.they played smap too.i love the song! hyde though sadly.saw a clip of koda kumi who looks like she has elephant thighs.surprising because she isn't even fat.not even partially.xP didn't notice BoA.possibly because i fell asleep and woke to jay chou..O.oalright.shall try to complete the application form and the IH sbq.because it is languishing in front of me while guilt builds up inside..sigh.there's less than 5 months left to the prelims.o no..cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music triangle smap + it's in the stars w-inds + mirror gackt][mood sleepy..][food something cream.O.o]ps: how strange.i've never actually really really really wanted to eat icecream.but it sounds so appealing right now.and what i want is ben & jerry's chocolate fudge brownie.heaven in a little paper cup.xD
Monday, March 27, 2006
helloocurrently researching for IH many references so little time!!! plus i spent a really long time reading this article on college admissions and was really quite interesting.but farrrrrr too long to put'll just clog up everything.which i don't think is a good's about the how college admissions evolved from being merely academic tests to the current system [this article is mainly about the US.harvard..yale..that kinda thing] where they try to take a holistic picture of the candidate, including academic excellence, sporting achievements, extra curricular activities, family connections..stuff like's really interesting reading the reasons why they decided to implement these systems in the Ivy started in harvard although yale also had a similar process.and many researchers have tried to figure out if being merely intelligent means future success.and of course..the answer would be..a lot more than academics factor in a person's future potential to be successful.a lot of it also depends on one's personality and other factors like drive.the funniest thing was that they discovered in the course of their research that students from lower-income families benefitted the most from going to an ivy league college.and that while male athletes consistently scored lower in school compared to their counterparts, the likelihood of them being successful in future was significantly higher.probably from their attributes like confidence, determination and the ability to work as a team helped them very much.which is why..i might just never succeed!!!firstly, i'm not intelligent.of course, that's not the most important criteria.secondly, i'm not an athlete.far from it.but of course, that doesn't contribute significantly either because it's just one of those groups that succeed above everyone else.but most importantly..because universities tend to select students they think will succeed either in the college or after it..i probably will never get into a university and thus..will die along the way!! sigh.the harsh realities of's really boring reading about the Suez Crisis..Congo Crisis and millions of other crises that the UN got itself into..though i suppose this really is improving my pathetic general knowledge.[although i did discover my horror, there are people who think that Dubai is the capital of's not true people.New Delhi is the capital of India.] however.this information might feel unimportant in the vast recesses of emptiness in my brain..but it will be!! you day..since everyone i know insists that general knowledge is extreeeemely important.and that we have to know every single detail.can you imagine being subjected to threatening looks everyday once upon a time when my brother insisted even if i knew nothing else i had to know where the israel-palestinian hotspots were? [gaza strip, golan heights and west bank.] and that i just had to know the 6 main bodies of the un or i'd "DIE"? [general assembly, secretariat, security council, economic & social council, trusteeship council and international court of justice.i actually used to say unicef in place of ecosoc and piss my brother off.and it wasn't even on purpose.xP] there you go.the drawbacks of being a very stupid sister to a strangely knowledgeable lighter matters..let me share a poem!LoveLove means to learn to look at yourselfThe way one looks at distant thingsFor you are only one thing among many.And whoever sees that way heals his heart,Without knowing it, from various ills -A bird and a tree say to him: Friend.Then he wants to use himself and thingsSo that they stand in the glow of ripeness.It doesn't matter whether he knows what he serves:Who serves best doesn't always understand.Czeslaw Miloszthis dude is a nobel prize winner for literature! i realised that they always give the nobel prize to a person from some country that isn't like..huge.O.o and they don't seem to give nobel prizes to hugely successful authors like urhm.sidney sheldon.or jk rowling.or tolkien.O.o though i don't know how exactly they merit a literary work to be worthy of a nobel award.especially since i've never actually read a book by a nobel laureate before.heh.i just have this strong feeling it'll be dangerously difficult to understand and outrageously terrible in terms of complexity of language, etc.xPoops.should get back to researching now.but it's really boring.O.o plus i have to paraphrase everything into the sbq or i'll is typical of me.groan.the drawbacks of being stupid and forgetful are too numerous to mention..cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music shallow sleep hyde + aegean malice mizer + shibiwore love song gackt][mood *blinks*][food hmm.tough one.char siew bao?]ps: i just got told by my dad to "stop screaming at your mother".and i don't actually scream.she just thinks i do.sigh.time to practise the art of restraint.pps: gackt has december love song is 4 languages!!! japanese, english, mandarin and korean! what's next?
Sunday, March 26, 2006
"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed---and gazed---but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
William Wordsworth
hmm.i think it's a nice poem.but the place i got it from had comments from people who call it "vapid and meaningless".OUCH.xP i wouldn't want to analyse this's not know..nice to analyse.haha.=P
growlll.have to go do the un sbq now.there are three sbqs every week.THREE!!! and that's not even counting sea!!! where there'll probably be 2 or 3 as well.ARGH!!! all those stupid writing exercises.nooooo!!! and i've not even contemplated lit yet.omg..
there's just something in gackt's emu~for my dear~ that calls to me.i've no idea it the tune? the lyrics that i don't understand? his tone? hmm.le ciel calls out similarly..but not as much as emu~for my dear~.i can imagine him feeling all emotionally drained after performing the song.and i can't even remember what the lyrics mean.his ballads too..makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.=) plus i love his voice..and the very simple accompanying music.^_^ powerful music is..=)
and how powerful images are..^_^ he looks like he's channeling the Sho energy! but i hate the tie.really.and he keeps wearing it.what's wrong with him and his stylist?! know..get started on history.was reading the duchess of malfi just now.i'm nowhere near the end.groan.xP
[music emu~for my dear~ + december love gackt]
[mood slightly stressed]
[food pineapple tarts!!]
ps: i just got a bottle of homemade pineapple tarts from my aunt.and i've already polished off the first small bottle in her house..and a bit of the top layer of the second in the car.O NO.xP
helloobeen reading lifestyle! =D and they've got this article comparing japanese and korean trends..and of course..japan wins!!! haha.i think it's mainly because japan's pop culture got introduced here first, way before korea who only became big with Winter Sonata screened on channel u.and Autumn in My Heart.or something.=P before was all japanese drama serials..hmm.after watching bits of winter sonata [couldn't help but catch some of it with my mom rewatching it at least 20 a row.O.o] and all those other korean dramas of my mom, i have to say that well..i think the storylines are really similar.and super soppy.-.-" and that's why..i prefer japanese drama serials.i think my favourite korean drama would be jewel in the palace or da chang jin.because it wasn't as bad as the rest in the soppy arena.though it did try its hand at the tear-jerker bits..i'm more a fan of japanese anime than dramas so..i haven't watched any of the latest ones..more like that ice world one and stuff like that.and while some girl described japanese guys as gorgeous but korean guys as gorgeous and romantic, i'm afraid i truly have to disagree!! there are some cute korean guys..but a lot of them are like..not all.O.o japanese guys on the other hand...*beams beams* hehe.just look at the image above..^_^ heh! hot think i'm more into japanese music's probably a result of anime and japan hour that i understand more japanese than don't actually know many korean artists.except like..urhm.BoA and Rain.whereas there are many more japanese artists that i know.Gackt..Miyavi..W-inds..Ayumi..Namie..Malice Mizer..Dir en Grey..Hyde..L'arc En Ciel..Do As Infinity..Mika..etc. etc.i could go on.xD wee! although you have to admit BoA is quite watchable..because she's so pretty!!but the end of the day..can't we just accept everyone as an Asian artist instead of dividing everyone by nationality and language? okay.i can understand the language bit..but really.everyone's just Asian, so we can have this fabulous regional identity!!! as proven by all the crossovers these stars make anyway.and then with this fabulous regional identity comes all the fabulously cute guys!! haha.=P i guess it's really about selling yourself as a regional artist rather than one from this country or that country.i think it's a great concept..and i'd really love to see that one artist who can successfully conquer all of asia.=) and the world after that.^^groan.i really should be doing my work.O.oi wonder why all these jrock artists do such fanservice..and how do they know the fans really want to see that? [okay..judging by their screams of joy they obviously love every second of did they come up with this in the first place?] and how do they make it seem so AHEM coincidental? all that kissing and humping and stuff..entertaining!!! come they know it drives the fans wild? hmmmmm.and i wonder what female singers do.O.oalright-o.shall return to my newspaper.=)cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music birdcage gackt][mood normal][food lemoon biscuitt!]
Saturday, March 25, 2006
helloo!WEE! =D just got season's call from zhilei!!! YAY! hahaha.i love that song!!! thanks man.=Dwent to the airport with my dad to get my mom and brother.o boy..they bought a ton of crap! xP my brother was so glad to be back..and my mother kept saying that she was glad i didn't go.because i'd have been completely lost more than half the time.because my brother said that the guide was practically speaking in like, poetic chinese.and i'm like. URHH.okay..O.o which is why my mom was saying that i can't go on such tours because i wouldn't understand a thing!! haha.=P thank goodness she doesn't overestimate my chinese ability unlike my dad..-.-"they bought a lot of dad was freaking out over the visa bill today because mom bought like $200 worth of tea.or something.and my dad was like, how the hell can one spend 200 bucks on TEA??? so yes.he was grumbling about it the whole my mom was defending her case.-.-" and my brother and i just stoned there..i was naturally more interested in getting home as quickly as possible..but! i was reading the newsweek article on freud and the continuing debate over his sounds so interesting!!! =D *beams* psychoanalysis sounds really interesting..but it also sounds like you have to go to medical school to learn it..groan.but it's really interesting.also..i've found out that freud actually thinks the Oedipus complex applies to everyone [hence the Electra complex would also apply right?].which is why people are so against it! i never knew that..i thought it was just something he came up with based on his observations, studies and research! very interesting.=D i think his repressed theories are rather accurate but how he thinks all women actually want to be men is extreeeemely ridiculous!! xP so yes.i believe that while some of his theories are more appliable [is that how you spell it? is there even such a word?] than others, some can be discounted because they do sound quite silly..though if there's scientific proof and loads of people concur, i don't see why it'll continue being that much of a thing to argue about..though if you think about it..these guys earn a living challenging prevailing thought by publishing books about it and furthering their arguments through i's not a terribly bad thing.i think.hrm.sigh.i'm falling more in love with seki-ray as i listen to it..on youtube.i love youtube! =D i applaud it's creators and contributors.=) they are brilliant people! heh.and although i understand that by putting up PVs or movie clips on youtube, they are infringing copyright,'s such a good deed! have to think about it..mtv doesn't play the videos that often how else would one be able to view it? they don't sell dvds of PVs either..except in those special limited edition first-press must depend on other sources!! like youtube.=D *beams* plus, some of their fanvideos are great.i saw one gravitation one where the person just kept picking out all the yuki-shuichi kissing scenes.ahaha.=P it's as if that's all they do in the show.which i am dying to watch.sigh.yuki is so cute.xDahh! i love seki-ray.*beams* prediction that i would do absolutely nothing worth noting tonight was right! xP not a good thing.not a thing to be celebrated..but i don't regret doing anything else! haha.=P been trying to clear out my favourites list of all the old crap that is still sitting there from like..eons ago.O.o i know.i know.maybe all this rubbish that i never touch no more is what is screwing my computer up..but you takes time to clear them out in between all the stuff one has to do! perhaps i should also work on my room..O.oi really really really need to trim my fringe.O.o it's getting really weird lately.and you know..there's this malice mizer song..S-CONSCIOUS..which i never knew was completely in english.O.o gackt just sounds like he's growling into the mic the whole song..except for like "cut it out" or something like that, a phrase he screeches into the mic, especially during the tour performance..ok.not screech.just like a screechy way.O.o but upon closer listening, you can tell it isn't japanese.okay..his pronounciation back then? TERRIBLE.illuminati proves it.."we're shunk in an abyshmal shwamp.where zere is no foothold.we have reach the watery depths depths.distorted farce!" indeed he has terrible pronounciation.which has improved..i think.O.o vanilla doesn't help.."i-i shee tail..coo shee corai knee..wanna need..not betay!" it's supposed to be "i've seen a tail, a crew see cring knees, i wanna need. not betray!" his english grammar is kinda off.[also proven in juunigatsu no love song: "even although you cry for me".O.o] but his pronounciation! o my...-.-" at least it's improved as the albums come along.hahaand now..i really should sleep.xPcheers*[-witchstone-]*[music season's call hyde + kimi no tameni dekiru koto gackt][mood sleepy][food lemon biscuits!]ps: i know it's unethical to like, download tracks..but what if you're planning to download, listen then buy the cd? O.o these strange rules around it are fascinating to me..and what if you're dying to watch the tour? after watching clips from Diabolos, i'm dying to see the whole concert..and even though i know where to download the whole damn thing..i don't think it's you? i mean..come on..that's what artists survive on right..but but..ahh! i'm not watching it to keep some suspense and thrill should i ever get my hands on the dvd!!! the desire to watch the whole thing is killing me.xPpps: the add image thing on blogger is not working! growl.
A Grain Of Sand
If starry space no limit knows
And sun succeeds to sun,
There is no reason to suppose
Our earth the only one.
'Mid countless constellations cast
A million worlds may be,
With each a God to bless or blast
And steer to destiny.
Just think! A million gods or so
To guide each vital stream,
With over all to boss the show
A Deity supreme.
Such magnitudes oppress my mind;
From cosmic space it swings;
So ultimately glad to find
Relief in little things.
For look! Within my hollow hand,
While round the earth careens,
I hold a single grain of sand
And wonder what it means.
Ah! If I had the eyes to see,
And brain to understand,
I think Life's mystery might be
Solved in this grain of sand.
Robert W. Service
another nice poem! =) i actually read it because the "grain of sand" thing reminded me of Blake's Auguries of Innocence.which is bloody long but if you read's actually quite nice..people always simply quote the first stanza which is very beautiful too..but i don't know why they quote it..i'm certain it has special significance but really..i don't know what he's trying to tell us!!! sigh.very upsetting.but yea! another guy who's looking for the meaning of life.=D
hmm..pigged out at dinner.xP went to this chinese food place and ate guo tie..shui jiao..and you know..that kinda thing.i didn't quite like the guo tie because i really can't stand the cabbage filled like the ones filled with jiu cai!! it looks a lot like spring onion but my mother claims they are different.*shrugs* i have no yea.the shui jiao was really really good!! i loved their filling..full of jiu cai! xD xD yay! haha.they had this great pork pancake wrap as was really could even have the pork with rice instead of the pancake and it'd be yummy too! my dad ordered some pig trotter thing that i wasn't fond of and this jellyfish thing which was really yummy too.=D haha.i'm so descriptive.but not quite in the mood to go on and on about food right now so.yea.=P
Xin Tao Yuan - near maxwell food centre and the blue ginger restaurant.=)
o yes..have you realised the new look of this blog? =D *beams* quite proud of myself..haha.i got the inspiration of putting a tiled background instead of a solid colour from the template that i modified.=) it was a lindsay lohan template..which i suppose isn't a bad thing..but know..=X i think it's great because there's a lot of room for text and the layout is very neat.which i like.=D and as usual..i did the image myself..=D yay.i was absolutely dying to use brushes on this one..because i had loads of ideas for brushes but you usual..impeded by the fact i have no photoshop to speak yes.had to make do.=) i'm actually quite pleased with myself.haha.=P i think the main image is quite nice..if i do say so myself.^_^" heh.
i was trying to conceptualise the image thing last night because i'd already tried the grid images for the previous template..after several failed attempts at drawing it out..i finally hit on this idea..and then started my terribly confusing calculations..indeed i had to calculate things!! how terrible, no? designers should not have to grapple with numbers that do not make themselves visible in the is unethical! and yet..i had to make calculations to ensure that my dimensions fit.groan.the number one reason i really really REALLY should learn to make my own templates from scratch.groann.but i'm pleased with the images..added more stuff to it because i thought leaving a lot of black empty holes was stupid.i love the background! although i obviously didn't make it..i really should learn more about images are beginning to all look the same..[there's only so much you can when you can only cut, paste and resize..-.-"]
hmm.everyone's played/playing final fantasy 12, final fantasy 7 dirge of cerberus and kingdom hearts 2.and it is no surprise..that i'm not.haha.=P the big deal of course is to play these games so you get to watch all those funky movies they include [with all the cute characters to boot!] after completing certain parts of the game! how cool is that! =D come starcraft never had cool videos?! grumble.i quite liked that girl person.can't remember her name now..but she looked cool.=P haha.must be a japanese game thing.problem is..i'm not that into gaming..or for that matter..i don't quite have the facilities to game yes.shall stick to reading about it.heh.=P
omigosh! i love this hyde video: Hyde - Shallow Sleep PV [link] i'm not very fond of his blond hair..i think he looks better with brown/black every other asian..-.-" but i like the song..more than i like the video.heh! =X so..even if you aren't fond of the least watch it to hear the song..=D i'm not quite sure how the video's like random images all put together..[stream of conciousness?] there are scenes of like a graveyard..then this strange guy..and loads of hyde looking good..and this bed.and .. yes.confusing! but i like the song so i'll forgive the random video.=D dad chucked this article about freud in newsweek at looks quite promising though i haven't read it's really really long though..and i was thinking about the future thing again today..i guess i'll just concentrate on psychology..maybe do a few random modules in other places like..i don't know..journalism..or sociology..or something..yea.because i realised that despite all these random loves, i'm still interested in how the human mind works and i suppose that's where psychology comes in..of course..the scientific part will have to be endured but i could be worse.=) although the nus guy did freak me out by telling me about lab experiments.O.omanaged to check out song from diabolos! haha.=D it's Dispar.which is supposed to be about .. i don't know.some butterfly.or something like that.O.o and has sexual usual.=P anyway..i feel it's similar to papa lapped a pap similar.O.o is the person sure that the video is not mislabelled?? O.o's got this great dancey-feel to it.=) nice! i like songs that have this .. danceable beat to it.=) and slow/slower songs too.^_^ of course..slow songs are always a favourite in my book but dancey songs are fabulous when i'm hyper.haha.omg! that would mean..he dances again in the Diabolos tour! since it's such a dancey track! mwahaha! but he's not a terrible dancer when he does these professionally choreographed dances.because well..they are professionally choreographed after all..gackt choreography on the other hand..groan..either i can read now..or do history tutorials.O.o it's quite good to start doing work now..because my dad have to drive out at 1+ to pick my mom and brother up from the aiport.but i really don't think i'll actually get anything done..because there are so many fascinating things to read about online..not least all those food blogs! *beams*have a nice weekend everyone.=)cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music shallow sleep hyde][mood cheerful][food lemon biscuits!]ps: my dad bought those gorgeous chocolate coated biscuits from carrefour.they weren't the ones i'd asked for..[my dad has a tendency to buy things wrongly.every single time.] but they were yummylicious anyway.=D *beams*
Friday, March 24, 2006
hello..allow me to share a really gorgeous poem..=)Echo
Come to me in the silence of the night;
Come in the speaking silence of a dream;
Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright
As sunlight on a stream;
Come back in tears,
O memory, hope, love of finished years.
O dream how sweet, too sweet, too bitter sweet,
Whose wakening should have been in Paradise,
Where souls brimfull of love abide and meet;
Where thirsting longing eyes
Watch the slow door
That opening, letting in, lets out no more.
Yet come to me in dreams, that I may live
My very life again though cold in death:
Come back to me in dreams, that I may give
Pulse for pulse, breath for breath:
Speak low, lean low
As long ago, my love, how long ago.
Christina Georgina Rossettiit's so sad sounding.or rather it sounds sad on the surface..but rossetti always writes about love.she and sarah teasdale.O.o i suppose love is a good thing to write about since it's made up of such complicated and varied emotions and attitudes and reactions and you know..everything.haha.=P love poems are nice..and i love these poems that rhyme.=) they always sound so..complete.and have a great rhythm to them..^_^ very structured..very hard to create on my rhyme schemes never seem to work out.maybe if i put a bit more effort into was as usual.=) gotta get serious now..all the teachers are switching their attitudes to the, "you're j2s.i won't tolerate any nonsense." thing.xP so yes..shall have to spend the weekend reading duchess of malfi and silas least finish the duchess.i don't think it's as imperative to finish the whole of silar marner just yet.and we got back our gp results.O.o sigh.must work to improve if i ever want to get that elusive A1..hmm.hung out with brenda in town today.*beams* i love hanging out with brenda! just talk about all sorts of rubbish..and we kept walking around aimlessly..always ending up in taka over and over again.i have no idea why.O.o and we ate so much!! o my..i realised that everytime i meet brenda i eat a lot.and so does she!!! haha.=P bad influence on each other..o's not like eating is that much of a bad least we walked around a lot.haha.=P after that we trailed after her friends while they shopped.i was so impressed!! i've never seen guys shopping like that know..just walking around..going into loads of shops with seeming purpose..and actually browsing instead of deciding super quickly..and like you know..actually taking up quite a bit of time to do so..very cool! my brother would never shop like that.-.-" and i was wailing to brenda about his fashion sense.o good grief..i need to do something about my reputation before he presents himself to the world [literally] in university..xPhmm.saw 2 potential bags in zara!!! =D *beams* one was with the wannabe bottega veneta weaved fabric..except this was like that polythene or something material..with a polyester lining..and the other one was wannabe was quite nice.soft fake leather like the zara bag my dad got for me.=D *beams* comfortable to carry.wasn't thrilled at the handle things at first because it looked like rope, but i realised after that that it was actually quite soft and was rope-ish but not quite so because they weaved fabric rope through it as it wasn't so bad.must ahem! try and get my mother's sponsorship if she doesn't mind.hehe.=P because the fake leather bag was like $89.90 and the wannabe BV bag was $135 i think.something like that.i think it's a bit overpriced for something that isn't even like..real leather or something..but i guess the quality isn't too bad so it's not as terrible or wasteful a buy..must seek further consultation if i have to finance this myself though.hrm.anyway..went to loads of places.hahaha.and my dad let me stay out..urhm.later than usual.=P haha.yay! so first we were at pacific plaza..then we went to wisma..i really do not like projectshopbloodbros.-.-" the clothes this season were so wannabe island shop.sighh.fcuk's women's clothing is of terrible quality!! the menswear seems fine though.xP i was telling brenda it must be because they know that guys change their clothing less often!! they make it better quality.=P rubbish logic as per normal..bebe looked appealing but went to isetan instead.after a quick stop at the ripcurl shop.i saw this really nice white shirt!!! guys wear of course.but it was a really nice white shirt!!! haha.=P i liked the subtle pattern on it too..hmm.esprit's bag selection was pathetic.the clothes were okay i guess.regular esprit stuff..after that went downstairs and checked out dkny..and the gorgeous dresses as laundry by shelli segal!! i love the dresses there.they are gorgeous!! with prices to match of course.the stupid salespeople were staring at us distrustfully.hrmph.but they had gorgeous dresses!!! the simple ones were really nice.the elaborate ones were .. hmm.. too elaborate.haha.=P looked like a wedding gown of sorts.O.o song+kelly21 had some nice stuff too! haha.=Phmm..went to paragon after that..i tell you..paragon air and taka air are just..different!! =D the smell of happy shoppers..especially in paragon..with cash to spare.*beams* so anyway..went to burberry.brenda was squealing away at the ties.haha.too bad the winter collection is gone..i still think about the burberry coat that could have been mine if i were some rich arabian princess!!! sigh.we were admiring the trench gorgeous.o yes.i thought about it..i think i shall need 3 winter coats!!! or rather 2 and one trench coat.hahaha.=P trench coats are great in spring! anyway.2 winter present one + one like my old one but in a .. ahem.. better colour.hehe.=P anyway..they seem to be having green burberry bags now..instead of the pink ones.=P i like the burberry totes!! but as brenda said..they are so easy to loads of people might think it's fake anyway.sigh.very upsetting.went to urm...some other places after AX and diesel..and ck jeans..and guess..and anya i tell you diesel and guess win hands down for flashy clothing.-.-" i shall never shop there..there was this rather nice looking shirtdress in a pretty satiny fabric..until you looked at the back..there was this giant dragon thing emblazoned there.brenda and i almost died.what a waste of a perfectly good dress!! groan.and we were trying sunglasses on at guess..i realise their designs are super similar to the bigger luxury fashion labels.and they have very few shapes that suit my about masstige..-.-" lucky i already have a pair of sunglasses that i love and adore.haha.=P i think the sunglasses at dior were nicer..and they didn't look quite so well-tried on jeans had a really nice skirt!! but the cut was really strange..O.o i like anya hindmarch totes!! too bad they cost so much.sigh.i like the shape of it..though the "Be-A-Bag" service is quite weird..can you imagine walking down the street with a bag design that matches your face?! beyond weird.and longchamp used to have nice bags..they are so..normal, you longer those clean happy lines.haha.=P and bakerzin and coffee club had the most gorgeous aromas floating liked their shoes? haha.=P and they had this nice bag.hehe.=P though i wouldn't buy money for it [or for any branded item for that matter..]..saw a nice tote!! and brenda was all, why don't you just buy it? -.-" sure brenda.give me the cash and then i'll have no qualms about it at all!! haha.=Pended up in cine food court munching on shilin chicken.=D *beams* it's great.but it's so spicy..xP the pepper just kills me.after that i kept zoning out while the guys were sharing stories..about..urhm..i have no idea..i was zoning out remember? but i caught something about school bus drivers..molesting someone or another..and urh..something like that.haha.=P then some strange guy plopped down at our table and proceeded to do a mini salespitch about some handwriting analysis service he provides to pre-university people who have yet to decide on what they want to do with their strange is that? O.okept dozing on the bus on the way home..the bus was great though..the aircon was set at a fabulous temperature! why can't all buses be like that?! groan.some can be either too cold or too warm or somewhere in between that isn't very comfortable.but this bus had the perfect setting! of course..due to the fact that i was sitting right under the vent, it got a bit cold but..i thought the temperature was perfect.perhaps it's because the bus made few stops and there weren't that many passengers..=Pmy mom and brother are returning tomorrow! how very dad was grumbling when he saw the credit card bill because apparently, my mom bought $200 worth of the hell for?? O.o she might as well buy me a bag with the money..-.-" i hope the tea's good.if not..-.-"i vant to vatch v for vendetta!! silly brenda watched it already..if not could have watched it today! sigh.xP she said it's really really i really really want to watch it now! haha.=P i'd like to at least try and catch one movie that has the potential to be good like..soon..haha.=P and we kept talking about which club to try first when brenda finally turns 18 in april..haha.gotta work on my mother till then so that she doesn't disallow me from going.xP my brother is no help at all.he keeps going "you know.i never had a life in j2 year.i was studying all the time.i never went clubbing till after the a levels".then my mom goes "you see! how come you can't be hardworking like your brother?!" and then i'll sigh heavily and remind them both that my brother turned 18 JUST BEFORE the a levels how in the world could he have gone clubbing before his a levels?!geez.while they are supposedly more logical than moi..they certainly have never noticed the obvious..-.-"i guess MOS would be a good choice..since it's like a big club.and like you comparatively it's a good first time place? i really wouldn't know.but maybe zouk is a good choice too..since it's well established and has been a staple clubbing place since like..forever.there's always china black..which became kinda passe after MOS opened it's doors..i have no idea about this.O.o my brother is no help.he's like some wannabe ah beng person when it comes to uncool.*rolls eyes* what a useless person.groan.i guess we'll decide when the time draws nearer? hehe.=Palright..shall go do other redo this template.=P found a promising looking template! *beams* looking forward to working on it..unfortunately..i'm quite at a loss as to how to use brushes when i don't have photoshop.i guess it's not possible..but it's quite sad! because brushes are so pretty and add such a wonderful accent to the pictures!! never mind.i shall learn how to use them when i get photoshop.and's when.not if! i shall get it when i change next year.haha.=P right now my computer is kinda i don't think introducting new software is a good idea..right..have a great weekend everyone! =)cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music kimi ni aitakute gackt][mood calm.][food fresh milk raisin twist!]
Thursday, March 23, 2006
helloWEE! just finished gackt's sixth day seventh night tour hmm..not too long ago..=P now watching the specials included in the dvd...probably yet another marketing ploy aimed at all those rabid fans who just have to have those extra shots of gackt that GASP! they might miss if they don't get the dvd despite having seen the tour at least 3 times!!indeed.what i've read is true..his performances really are very very compelling.=D haha.i won't go on and on about it..i'm a bit sleepy anyway..xP but i will give you [once again] highlights!gackt practically collapses during the tour..and he can barely breathe let alone can tell.because he was wearing one of those mics that's attached to your face.he was trying to rev up the audience because he couldn't quite sing..and then he started breathing so heavily i was like..HMM.then he fell to the first the people around him thought he was joking..but he was breathing in such a tragic manner, i think they caught on.but he kept pushing them away!! and he continued trying to connect with the was quite sweet.=) but you can see that at certain points..he's really and truly exhausted.apparently, he's very weak.must be the 500 year old bones acting up..haha.=P but i've read that he collapses after every tour performance and has been hospitalised quite a few times.far more frequently than a normal person at least..but watching him trying to recover himself to continue the performance was quite touching! =Dhmm.for sexy have got to see papa lapped a pap lopped which is apparently some kind of sexual inneundo that i never knew till i read about it..something about oral sex? haha.anyway, not only does gackt actually attempt to dance in a less ridiculous manner than usual, but the dancers are quite hot! haha.=P ok.till they take their masks off..then it's quite..AHEM.because..well..some of them have like super hot bodies..but not quite so hot faces.=P heh.but it's cool..because each dancer gets to showcase their skills right at the end of the song! it's great.=D and there was this female dancer who can totally shake it man! i loved the way she shook her hips when gackt was holding her.sexxyy!for the weirdest dancing by gackt [not that it doesn't happen often anyway..] you've gotta watch U+K and Vanilla.both of which include him hopping around.but vanilla has him grabbing his pants a little too often.hahaha.=P he goes into his usual convulsions in vanilla which has one in stitches..and then they've got him bouncing around the stage with those giant fluffy cats and other cutesy creatures in's quite hilarious seeing a guy who's got to be at least 30 hopping around.[ he claims to be 500..but puh-lease.-.-"] the cats are quite cute though, in the sixth day seventh night tour..the ones in mars were like overstuffed soft toys gone wrong.hmm..for touching performances..i'd have to give it to Last Song, seki-ray and last song, he plays the piano and sings..with much passion and emotion.=) it's really great..i love his piano playing..he's really good!!! =D plus i love how they keep zooming in on his fingers..they didn't do that enough in the merveilles tour.i like seeing how they can kinda tell who's the kind who got good through much practice and who got good through practice and talent.=) seki-ray wasn't touching per se..but i always feel a bit sad when i hear the song..don't ask me why.O.o and plus, the ending scene where fake snow was pouring down on him was actually quite a moving was very simple in concept but looked made gackt look lonely and lost in a landscape of white..much like the video where he's stuck in this snowy landscape story, he actually cries..making his poor eye makeup smudge!! [i was quite surprised it didn't smudge earlier considering how much sweat he was producing..] story is actually another touching song..though i obviously have no idea what the lyrics mean..anyway.i've found gackt to be quite an emotional performer..he gets very very into his songs.which is a good thing.=) but crying while singing? at least his voice didn't crack..=P *beams*for prettyness of setup and everything, i'd choose kimi no tameni dekiru koto, the opening track, seki-ray and vanilla! it's quite cool kimi-tame they release trails of silver ribbon that reflect the light on the stage so it was quite a nice sight.the only problem was the bunching together of the ribbons which ruined a effect a little.for vanilla, notes poured down from the ceilings and apparently, they were limited edition notes, each with a picture of gackt on it.there're scans online..he did the same thing in the mars tour i think.except that then, the notes had gacktjob on them so if you got a gackt note you were extremely lucky.i also chose the opening track because i thought the japanese dance was quite i love the white kimono gackt, you and chacha were wearing.*squeals!* in seki-ray, it was gorgeous, because at the end fake snow started pouring down so it created this beautiful effect on stage.very nice.=)i loved the costumes in this tour by the way..first, they wore those funky white kimonos with red inner lining that apparently, gackt designed with some designer person.then after that, they switched to something like an ao dai [the vietnamese long top with pants] except that it wasn't an ao dai.instead of slits on both sides, there was only one slit on the left with a little bolero like thing to cover the suit like was incredibly cool!!! when i ever slim down, i'd totally wear one of those.and i thought you looked great in it as well.=D then at first gackt's ao dai thing had a mask attached to his left shoulder..but for one song, it was removed and he wore it to dance instead.after that, there was only one more costume change and that was to suits with no shirt.i was reading one fansite where the girl just kept squealing about how you could see gackt's chest.-.-" like that matters.i was more interested in the cut of the suit..and how he was totally destroying the work of the ironer!! haha.=P was so crumpled.oh! i forgot! there was one last costume change for story! he wore this white outfit that reflected the stagelights so it looked fabulous onstage.he was all wrapped up since it was a kinda turtleneck like thing..and draped all the way down to the feet with a pretty design on the front.a bit like an ao dai again.but not exactly.and it looked like cuddly huggable version because it looked very soft.haha.=P i loved the costumes in this tour!!! so gorgeous.=Dahaha.yes you read it right.gackt danced!!! especially for Oasis and Secret Garden.i can't remember if he danced in Lu:na.but he did shake a bit in Mizerable.=P okay.the dancing wasn't so bad because it wasn't like, gackt's random choreography like he bounced around to during vanilla..instead, it was like a group dance except gackt didn't do all the movements.=P duh.haha.he let the professionals look cool in the background while he did the bare minimum while singing.quite funny actually.but quite cool at the same time..i mean..if you were to do the group dance in a sloppy, uncoordinated manner, it'd be incredibly juvenile looking.but because they did it in such a synchronised way, it looked professional.i guess that's what separates the amateurs from the experts..=Pnot much fan service in this tour except for hugging chacha and using his head to hit you in the stomach.i realise he doesn't really gay partner anyone except these 2.ok.he can't touch the drummer since obviously the drumset is in the way!!! and the bassist well..i don't know.O.othe tour starts and ends with this video of the band's graves.and i was reading online..that because gackt's grave read: 1973-2007, there was a huge could literally feel the panic in their words.haha.=P everyone is afraid he'll actually die in 2007.ok..obviously i wouldn't want that to happen..but it's a movie!! why are they taking it so seriously?! geez.anyway.the middle video is hilarious!!!'s really've gotta watch it.they do some stupid exercise thing with this long pole like object where you shake it.O.o i have no idea what it is.and then they've got gackt dressing up as stupid things.ahahaha.i wanted to die laughing.each tour performance featured gackt dressed up as a different character but you can watch all of them in the bonus extra! =) haha.which i'm doing now.=P i love gackt as the nurse and the schoolgirl.those are seriously the funniest.haha.hmm.sadly they didn't provide subtitles for his "touching speeches".where many many many members of the audience cried.omg.i was like, O.o.could they be more emotional? i knew what he was saying because i've read translations..and was actually really sweet.but definitely not tear-worthy words!! haha.but you could the rabid fans were all in the center block of the audience..and they were like crying their hearts out at his speeches.and at the end of the tour.seriously.they were filming all these girls with desolate expressions and tears rolling down their cheeks.awww.anyway..i think you is cute!!! haha.=Phmm.the math paper today was fine i guess..i can't say much about it..xP after that..went to kino!! and hmv!! =D those cows don't know whether they are bringing in the gackt diabolos can they!!! silly woman.she didn't even want to check..she looked blank and was like, 'oh.if there's a supplier, then we'll get it from there.if not.' then she just practically rolled her eyes at me.RAWR.horrendous service.finally bought arena at kino.groan.i really should start saving money..on food.then can lose weight while i get the moolah! haha.=Pwent to vivion's house after that and watched van helsing and the sixth sense! haha.=P van helsing isn't a bad action flick i guess..kate beckinsale was very she has the tiniest waist you've ever seen!! xP it's terrible i tell should never be allowed to be that slim and pretty and great looking while killing vampires! it just will not do.what will ordinary mortals like us do? sighh.and okay..hugh jackman..he's quite a good actor.but how he's hot..hmm.i don't quite get it.*shrugs* he's kinda scruffy good looking..but i wouldn't say he's hot though he does have a rather muscular physique..=Pthe sixth sense was quite good.haley joel osment was incredibly cute! =D so cute.and a very good actor at that.=) too bad i already knew the twist to the story..if not it would have been quite compelling.spent the show analysing why people couldn't tell the twist from the beginning where all the clues are set out for you.i thought the others was freakier than the sixth sense..but i squeaked at certain per normal.haha.=P sorry.=X can't help it.natural instinctive reaction..hmm.just wasted my night away! and the day as well if you think about it..o well.i think one deserves a mini break after the exams..not that i'm ahem planning to do anything tomorrow.or the day after..or the day after that..=P heh.o well.=) i enjoyed the concert.and i really don't mind seeing it again.i love the lighting..just like the merveilles concert! =) haha.the japanese have fabulous lighting technicians! i love them.they are great with the effects lighting has on the stage.brilliant people.=D wouldn't it be cool to learn about it? i guess that's why people join AVA/ get to learn mildly useful information while taking part in a CCA at the same time! ^_^well..didn't get to see keita today..but eventually! eventually i will get to see keita dance in those fabulous ways of his..and looking cute at the same time.haha.=P and day i'll ahem..try to sit down and watch him on youtube.=P and of course, i'll get down to doing more useful baking more!!! =) and know..studying.hrm.o well.hope everyone's having fun after the exams! those who have yet to complete them though..good luck! ganbatte! =)cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music gackt's sixth day seventh night tour][mood satisfied..happy..calm..=)][food water.water.water.]
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
helloo's the math paper tomorrow! the only good thing that can come out of it would be the end of the term exams!!! *beams* brilliant! =D
o yes..ahem..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAO XU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D
haha.went to hc today to pass her the 18 cupcakes for her 18th birthday! *beams* i got 2 presents from her too!! =D a wallet a wallet!!!'s purple.royal plus! in the merveilles tour, gackt's nails were dark purple..almost black.WEE! haha.=P i like too..and like..lots of colours.=D anyway.she also gave me a photo frame.hehe.we must take more photos to fill it.=)
so anyway.went to school today..and delivered cupcakes..then did some math.hmm! we really did do some math.haha.=P i think it's the one subject people can honestly do together successfully.because it doesn't require such brainpower or concentration like history..which explains why i can totally listen to gackt and concentrate on him..while still doing math!!! =D can't do that for history..must place him aside.haha.=P
my goodness.jiamin is just taking the opportunity to rave about keita [done to reflect how that crazy girl typed it..] on her blog.-.-" i he can dance..and he was quite cute..[he somehow grew up to be not as cute as before..which just tells you that you should be like gackt and enter the entertainment industry at a mature age and in a stately manner.^_^] and yess..i do want to watch him just to try and understand why jiamin loves him so much..and no.i do not think jr beats keita.i think keita is not only more goodlooking than jr, but a better [and smaller looking] dancer.hahaha.=P and she almost misquoted me!!! like totally selective quotations there..hrmph.and anyway..i think that..gackt still wins in the voice category.=D and performance as well..*beams*
and jiamin! that was a terrible summary of the concert!!! no special complaints..just raving about keita.[10 mentions.TEN.all in bolded red.-.-"] you are not an objective critic!!! hrmph.i shall have to watch the dvd for myself.haha.yay! dvd marathon! =D
got to laugh some things jiamin typed.ahaha.
"now, all i have to do is look for a place which sells their very first concert =( but. BUT! if its really impossible (which i think it is), we can simply READ (or rather, browse) that concert's picture book (which i have!!! ^.^) and i'll play that cd, and sing for you! see! and if you flip the pages fast enough, you can con yourself into thinking it's keita dAnCiNg."LOL!!!! hahaha.i wanted to die laughing when i read this.jiamin comes up with the funniest things sometimes.ahaha.keita fun fact!how did the name w-inds come about? well..keita's from fukuoka in the south and his gang are from hokkaido in the north so when you..ahem..join them together in tokyo, it becomes "winds!" [how lame is that.O.o]hmm.after working hard at math..and finishing the term paper from last year..i decided to let myself relax just a little bit! =D haha.and by that..i watched cardcaptor sakura.hahahaha.=P i can feel the -.-" expressions forming.=P o well.i like cardcaptor's so brainless.*beams* and then i read harper's bazaar.which requires much brainpower!! you the fashion trends..checking out the hate the shoes this season.what's up with the stupid platform wedge thing? geez.malice mizer would totally be in-season right now.their platform boots are like, really really scary.O.o and thinking about how tall they already's really quite intimadating.but anyway.i think while white is in this they not realise that white makes one look fat? sigh.not that it's a problem for most of those stick thin models..and i realised that most un-famous models have really really really ugly legs!!! you can totally tell they are the 'i starved myself to death to look like this' kind of legs.xP gross.
then i started reading time style and design! which i have yet to finish due to the horrendousness of math.xP disgusting.math should honestly be ditched for all students!! except those who love it and will die without it.i mean..i know it's important in stimulating your brain and all..but it necessary to be
quite so evil? sigh.
ladida! =D going to hmv tomorrow to check and see if they are bringing in gackt's diabolos concert tour.*beams* i think the only other concert i want is the MARS concert..his very first one..because well..i don't really know the songs from his other concerts and so..would be less able to appreciate it! [and unable to sing along for that matter..=X] the only thing holding me back from the mars concert would definitely be his skintight snakeskin pants.O.o i still recall one youtube video where they interviewed gackt..and the interviewers asked him if he wears tight, DUH.=P and then he went like, 'hmm yes i do' and they asked him how the clothing is like and so he went 'long narrow and big below'.AHAHA.i was like laughing my head off.and so were the hosts and audience.lucky the camera was on that tripod thing..or i think you'd have been watching a very shaky picture.haha.=P so yes..gackt's disturbing love for skintight pants is a terrible habit of his stylist..sigh.and in the diabolos concert, he wore these 3/4 pants..and i really hate 3/4 pants.and this furry vest thing.O.o but ahem.good performer anyway.can ignore the...aesthetics.i hope.xP
gackt fun fact!his favourite parts of a woman's body? the collarbones, the neck and the spine.however..he does have what he describes as a bad habit..he loves looking at women's necks..and wanting to break them.O.owee! i can't wait for tomorrow.dvd marathon!! =D *beams* plus, everyone will get to see the nice music box the merveilles l'edition limitee comes in.=D mana has some kind of fascination with french.not that i'm complaining of course..only one thing.those horrendous old-french court style costumes.o my..the ruffles..O.o quite unfashionable i should say.malice mizer fun fact!the name malice mizer was conceived from the words "malicious misery" by mana and kozi.=Dalright.really should get back to trying to remember all those stupid integration formulas..-.-" have i mentioned that i really hate memorizing stuff? rawr.good luck everyone! it's almost over!!cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music brise + je tu veux malice mizer + vanilla gackt][mood cheerful][food chicken!! =D]ps: apparently, the mars tour dvd is not just any dvd! [quote from a fansite] "not only are his concert DVDs NOT coded for region 2, but the first has a convenient English subtitle option for his touching speeches. You too can learn the glory that is Vanilla live~!" ahaha.indeed, gackt does make touching speeches as i have been reading translations online..and he talks to the audience quite a bit too..and loves telling stories just before introducing the members of GacktJOB.=D [ryu! ju-ken! chacha! you!!] and it seems a prerequisite to do the "okaeri-tadaima" thing.along with sending the girls wild with screaming KYAAA~~~!!!! whatever that means.pps: the sixth day seventh night tour that i just got is the one where gackt dresses up as stupid characters!! ahaha.=Dppps: i've changed my opinion of you.he's actually pretty cute.[that series of pictures was so deceiving!] and taller than gackt! hahaha.=P
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
hmm! i forgot:
youtube viewings! =) at your pleasure of not let it distract you like it distracted me!
Gackt - Kimi No Tameni Dekiru Koto live on popjam
he looks brilliant! =)
Gackt - EMU~for my dear~ live in the MARS tour
very dramatic i totally love the song.*beams*
Hyde - Season's Call (Blood+ Anime version)
i really love this song by hyde.this is the version that they use in the beginning of the anime Blood+.
Hyde - Season's Call live on Popjam
this is a very recent performance at the start of march this year.=) he looks fabulous! haha.
happy watching.*beams*
hello!*squeals!* watching malice mizer in concert now.haha.=P yes yes.i'll do my know..after this.=Phmm.had history today..not worth talking about.sigh.i'll be lucky if i pass the ih was terrible!!! xP and sbq takes up far too much time..all this crap about allocating 45 minutes for each essay?! growl.who in the world can finish sbq well within 45 minutes? it's impossible i tell you! impossible!!! i was rushing like mad..and my hand was cramping like anything..groan.that's one thing i hate about essays..writing so fast and so much that your hand cramps..and of course..trying to think quickly too is terrible.haha.=Pso anyway.malice mizer! *beams* i was so so so afraid the dvd wouldn't work..and then i could just kill myself..but it works it works!!! YAY! =D haha.jiamin was usual.=P i can't imagine my aunt watching this though..O.olistened to merveilles, the album today just before i left the gosh..i hate to say this..but i really felt that every single song was hate to say it because it sounds like you're just saying so because you like the band..but it's not true! every song is really good!! =D i like the music arrangements..the melody..the singing [hehe] ..everything was great! some of them ended a bit too abruptly for my taste..but apart from that..every song was nice.=D i am very impressed! ^_^ yay malice mizer! and i was examining the booklet art..hmm! kozi is actually quite pretty.haha.=P and mana is actually..not very good looking! but you can excuse that because he looks great when he cross-dresses.he even walks like a true lady i tell you.haha.=P yuki and kami..well..not much to say.they look like guys.and know how he is.i won't bore you to death.=Po no!!! the concert has ended!!! wails.very's too short!! too short!!!! a small review! =D i'll it again..before i give a blow by blow account.=Dalright.for the biggest fanservice, you just have to watch the performances of Ju Te Veux and Brise because it's seriously funny.hahaha.=P mana and kozi dance in seriously spasticated ways..and gackt shakes his butt!!! hahaha.hilarious!!! and mana totally hugs gackt..and gackt just smiles in this 'yay he loves me!''s so gay i tell you.hahahaha.=P and then they dance in this cutesy way..but without it's very odd.haha.=P plus gackt joins them.and we all know how gackt dances..certainly nothing like keita.haha.=P plus gackt is in these really tight pants..and they are unzipped at the, is that on purpose or what?and then if you want to see gackt in his 'omg i'm dying' singing, the best song to watch out for is le ciel..he really has this pained look on his face..there was another song too..but i can't quite remember which one..=X oops.for an amazing duet, you've gotta watch the duet between gackt and kami with gackt on the piano and kami on won't claim to be an expert at drummers because..i really can't quite tell if they're good or not.=P hmm.jiamin! watch the concert and tell me! haha.=P but i really love gackt's piano playing.but his pained expression at the end is like, huh..why?? haha.=P my insensitive unartistic soul seems unable to capture the emotions in the piece..perhaps if i listen to it again..without the phone buzzing by my side..for men in shiny patent leather, you must see the S-Conscious and Illuminati performances.i tell you..they are wearing costumes i'd never in a million years be caught in..brave male souls they are.haha.=P kozi is in these fishnets..and the leather thing is like a thong at his butt..O.o brave man.and gackt is in these hotpants with thigh high boots.O.o but AHEM.i forgive was 1998.when people's fashion sense was all their platform boots? what is up with that??for freakyness, i'd say the kozi/mana thing after Illuminati, what's up with that satanic thing anyway? O.o after watching seems like an extension of the Illuminati performance.since the group illuminati is something about this kinda stuff i guess.xiao an did explain it..but hrm.i can't quite remember.oops.=P it's a bit weird.but i give them full marks for dramatic performance.the dvd also comes with this photo gallery thing where you can see pictures of malice mizer during the concert! it's divided into separate sections for each member and Bois de Merveilles's a beautiful track by the way.=) the concert starts and ends with it.perhaps it's representative of something they want to say?yay! i've gotten through one dvd..just 2 more to go in the l'edition limitee of malice mizer!! and then 2 more in the gackt sixth day seventh night tour!! *beams beams*dvd marathon!! jiamin! i want to watch keita!! as in..i really do want to watch him.i think keita and gang are great dancers! way better than gackt if you ask me.haha.=P no comparison at all!!! gackt is a terrible dancer.although he can sing..and he's a good performer..can really work the crowd and everything.not quite in the malice mizer concert though you can see the beginnings of that stage presence that certainly permeates his later solo yea.i want to watch keita! haha.=P besides.that concert she just got..he still looks cute there.=Panyway, sorry about this.but..jiamin! the price of the w-inds concert is 5250 that translates into $78.75 okay?=)zhilei! the price of the miyavi single is 1500 that translates into $22.50 okay? =)pay me when you guys have moolah.*beams*i'm now officially poor as a church mouse.or poorer.because i must pay my aunt back! $200+ in debt.ouch.xP o well.i don't regret it..malice mizer!! did a calculation of all the things that come in the box that can be bought separately..and for 3 discs, it's more than the price of this limited edition box set which comes in a music don't feel such pain.haha.=P see..La collection "merveilles" l'edition limitee = 12 000 yen or $180inside:Merveilles cd = 3059 yen or $45.885Merveilles L'espace DVD = 5040 yen or $75.60Merveilles Cinq Parallele = 3990 yen or $59.85Merveilles L'image - special edition, can't be bought.and the stuff that can be bought is more than $180! so ahem.i'm trying to comfort myself see.=P it's working..slightly.xPyay! after..ahem! rewatching selected bits of the concert..i can now peacefully go revise my math.very important.can't fail this time!!!! groan.i have least pass one math exam in ac..xPand at the same time, i can happily think about other dvds to get since i can confirm that i can watch region 2 dvds [and all other regions for that matter..]!!! *beams* life is good.=D like..gackt's new tour coming out at the end of march!! must ask hmv if they are bringing it in..wee!good luck with econs everyone!! =D i know you can do it! ^_^ and study hard for math!cheers*[-witchstone-]*[music merveilles album malice mizer][mood *beams*][food prawn crackers!!]ps: happy birthday in advance yx! =D
visions of as infinity
by witchstone
starry-eyed: filled with such youthful hope and optimism that one's eyes twinkle even when it's dark
Wish List
ie: motivation to save money!
- clothes
- shoes [heels! boots!]
- the
perfect tote
- coats/outerwear! [Soïa & Kyo, Burberry...]
- Gackt - nine*nine
Gackt Photobooks:
1 The Gift The Sixth Day & Seventh Night Tour Document (2004)
2 Crescent Photobook (out of print)
1 Thomas Keller
The French Laundry Cookbook
The Nobu Cookbook
3 Emily Luchetti
A Passion for Desserts
4 Alice Medrich
Pure Dessert
1 Rurouni Kenshin
2 xxxHOLiC
3 Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-
- Proficiency at Japanese!
- Learn French for Food!
My Flickr Page
spoonerisms*inc a food blog (by wendy & I)
my translation blog
Checklist: EAT!
The Common Grill, Chelsea
The Black Pearl, Ann Arbor
Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes, Detroit
Bella Ciao, Ann Arbor
Craft, NYC
Momofuku, NYC
Alinea, Chicago
The French Laundry, California
Goto, Singapore
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