I'd never heard of them till Xinyi showed us this short movie by them one day, made in UCSD [University of California San Diego] and telling of a simple story of a nice guy.
Back before Youtube, before videoblogs, before myspace...Wes, Ted, and Phil were making videos just for fun and sharing them with friends. A few years later, some free time projects have turned into an active career...shoot, when did that happen? We never knew this is where we were headed, and in the same way, what's ahead is anyone's guess.
Learn more about Wong Fu Productions at their website: wongfuproductions.com (click!) and see what creativity and pretty darn good films can come from a bunch of bored but very innovative college students.
Just A Nice Guy
Part One - The Problem
Part Two - The Lesson
Part Three - The Risk
It's a nice story and doesn't take more than 30 minutes to watch [as long as you have a fast internet connection].
Power to the students! =) I guess only after coming here have I realized how that is really possible.^_^"
This is the light of the mind, cold and planetary The trees of the mind are black. The light is blue. The grasses unload their griefs on my feet as if I were God Prickling my ankles and murmuring of their humility Fumy, spiritous mists inhabit this place. Separated from my house by a row of headstones. I simply cannot see where there is to get to.
The moon is no door. It is a face in its own right, White as a knuckle and terribly upset. It drags the sea after it like a dark crime; it is quiet With the O-gape of complete despair. I live here. Twice on Sunday, the bells startle the sky ---- Eight great tongues affirming the Resurrection At the end, they soberly bong out their names.
The yew tree points up, it has a Gothic shape. The eyes lift after it and find the moon. The moon is my mother. She is not sweet like Mary. Her blue garments unloose small bats and owls. How I would like to believe in tenderness ---- The face of the effigy, gentled by candles, Bending, on me in particular, its mild eyes.
I have fallen a long way. Clouds are flowering Blue and mystical over the face of the stars Inside the church, the saints will all be blue, Floating on their delicate feet over the cold pews, Their hands and faces stiff with holiness. The moon sees nothing of this. She is bald and wild. And the message of the yew tree is blackness -- blackness and silence.
I return to this poem every now and then. And although maybe I could understand the feelings of this poem before, I've lost that understanding, and hopefully one day I'll get it back again.
Or at least, I hope I can.
cheers *[-witchstone-]*
[music : 抱いてセニョリター 山下智久 from クロサギ] [mood : ね。。。] [food : Chicago Deep Dish from Pizza House!
Love means to learn to look at yourself The way one looks at distant things For you are only one thing among many. And whoever sees that way heals his heart, Without knowing it, from various ills - A bird and a tree say to him: Friend. Then he wants to use himself and things So that they stand in the glow of ripeness. It doesn't matter whether he knows what he serves: Who serves best doesn't always understand.
Wendaye: What campaign??? O__O! Haha.. I liked Jean.. Goodlooking in a scruffy way but Mr Antique Owner is still the best looking one. Especially when he turns on that charm.. HAHA.=P
After months of watching and tearing and feeling all worked up for this dorama, I've finally finished all 50 episodes of it.=)
篤姫 [atsuhime] is the life story of Princess Atsu [atsuhime], later known as Lady Tenshoin [tenshoin sama] who was the wife of the Shogun Tokugawa Iesada, the man who signed with Commodore Perry. She also witnessed many other life-changing events in the landscape of Japanese history, from Commodore Perry's arrival, to the Meiji Restoration, and the formation of the new Japan. Coming from a mere vassal family in the Satsuma region [southern Japan I believe], she was adopted into the head family of the Satsuma region and later got into an arranged marriage with the Tokugawa.
The dorama itself deals with personal issues, women's issues, political, and historical events all rolled into one epic tale of Atsuhime's life. Totally engaging, very very interesting, and very well made, I think that this is even better than 風林火山, the first full NHK Taiga Dorama that I watched.=P
Plus they've got really good actors and a really good script, tying together every element nicely.=) I guess it's not that difficult to link up the historical events but also weaving in details of the life in the Ooku [the women's quarters in the Shogun palace], details of life as a samurai, and so on is a good feat indeed. The grandiosity of the Ooku contrasted greatly with the more humble abodes of the vassal families in various regions of Japan. Although most of this was focused on the samurai class, and a little of the noble class, I guess we did get to see how the historical events were brought into fruition in Japan in the past.
A lot more interesting than reading a textbook if you ask me.=P
Ok, so I thought the whole "spirits of the dead returning to impart wisdom" thing was totally lame [and apparently rather characteristic of Taiga Doramas] and some of the lines were super touching but totally cheesy. Still, the rest of the dorama totally made up for it. Especially Miyazaki Aoi and Eita in starring roles!! =D =D =D I really admire Miyazaki Aoi's range of acting abilities. It's fantastic!
Do I recommend this? YES Should you watch it? It depends.
I guess if you have no interest in Japanese history and culture whatsoever, it might bore you a little. And it's rather long, at a hefty 50 episodes of about less than an hour each. I liked it though. And if you watch it, I'm hoping you'll like it too.=)
What's next? I'm thinking of the Korean drama, Gourmet! Or maybe Kurosagi? =P
Randomly, YX is going back today! (T_T) Sadness. We did go to a Maple Syrup Festival this morning though! Haha.=) And later, I'll be making beouf bourguignon and we'll be watching Red Cliff 2!!!
Yay~ AND! I got into KCJS.=) This weekend is HAPPY!
But I must still do work. *sigh*
cheers *[-witchstone-]*
[music : 心・戰 阿蘭 + 絲路 梁靜茹] [mood : ^_^] [food : pancakes with maple syrup~]
I just finished reading The Tale of Kieu for my Asian class and it's a really nice and long poem!! It's written in the vernacular, and is supposed to be one of those classic Vietnamese works of literature that showcases the best of the Vietnamese language - or so the introduction says.
But what I really liked was the last bit of this long poem, composed mainly of couplets.=)
Does Heaven ever favor anyone, bestowing both rare talent and good luck? In talent take no overweening pride, for talent and disaster form a pair. Our karma we must carry as our lot - let's stop decrying Heaven's whims and quirks. Inside ourselves there lies the root of good: the heart outweighs all talents on this earth.
The Tale of Kieu by Nguyen Du translated by Huynh Sanh Thong
It tells of the story of a girl named Kieu, a beautiful girl who suffered many hardships in her life, being bought and sold by many men, going through brothels and eventually finding peace. Apparently, it was originally a Chinese story but Nguyen Du adapted it into a solidly Vietnamese piece of literature.
To quote the introduction: "More generally, Kieu stands for Vietnam itself, a land well endowed with natural and human resources, but too often doomed to see such riches gone to waste and destroyed. And yet, despite its grim details and sordid aspects, Kieu's story conveys a message of hope for both the individual and for the country: if, like Kieu, the Vietnamese accept and endure with fortitude whatever happens to them, someday they will have paid the cost of their evil karma and will achieve both personal and national salvation."
Isn't the main phrase a really nice quote? Haha. Too bad I don't understand Vietnamese, I'm sure it sounds much better and means so much more in its original language.=)
cheers *[-witchstone-]*
[music : I Saved The World Today Eurythmics] [mood : ^_^] [food : JELLY!]
PS: The UMMA opening was nice! ^_^ And I'm already missing YX's presence in my room. Hahaha.=P
PPS: If you look at the right column, I've added something new again! This time, it's a checklist of places to eat at - not now, but eventually! The actual list is VERY long [obviously, I'm greedy as hell] so I've limited it to what's currently rather achieveable.=P Suggestions? Please raise any!! ^_^
Finally, 2 weeks after the actual day, here I am to write about my birthday! It seems all very presumptuous to write about my own birthday but ... o well. How else will I post photos for people who don't check facebook?
So my birthday weekend started early because everyone likes to celebrate the whole weekend for Kevin and I.=P My preparations for Kevin's birthday also started early, 3 days of work to create this:
Presentation of the cake! Hahahaha. It was also the morning Kevin made mee sua.=) Yummy!~
So timeline: Saturday: Heidelberg, Karaoke!!, Indonesian Cultural Night Sunday: Mee Sua + Kevin's Cake Monday: "Surprise Birthday Party" Tuesday: Afternoon Delight, FREESTUFF! hunt with Chenli~ Friday: Martini Night!~ Saturday: Japan Cultural Festival!
Our brunch at Afternoon Delight!! It's really actually quite yummy~ =D Better than Angelo's even, and I don't think Angelo's is that bad anymore. Hahaha.
Free ice-cream at Ben & Jerry's!!! And later, free bubble tea from Bubble Island!! Even though I was already very full.. X__X!!! Yay~ It was fun hanging out with Chenli where she wasn't busy for once. Hahaha.
So my actual birthday weekend was fun! It was happytimes just hanging out with everyone [erm. Again. I know.] and seeing people. But it turns out, the birthday fun wasn't over yet!! Haha..
Our Martinis [and Jon's very very strong drink..] at Rush Street!!! =) They were delicious~ And Roy was most disappointed that they didn't check my ID..=P
Apparently I look 21 already. Hmm. Should I be pleased?
A super blurry picture by Roy who insisted this is the only way to get a photo where we can be seen because of the light behind us..=P
I guess one thing that's really nice about finally being 21 in the US. It's not that big a deal in Singapore but here, I don't have to make sure I'm with someone if I want to buy alcohol, or drink, or anything like that. Which accords one more freedom! And that's great.=)
At the Japan Cultural Festival!! It's fun to hang out there but whether it's really worth the money is another thing... Haha.. Still, it's something to go participate in and have fun at so all is good.^_^
And that was my birthday! Other photos aren't on my camera and are all on Facebook so do go look if you really want to..=P
Coming up next? YX's birthday weekend in Chicago!!! And tonight? UMMA opening!!!
Watching these videos make you wonder how in the world the Japanese PV makers can come up with such concepts. Haha.. It's terribly cute but just blows your mind in how pointless and awesomely nuts these videos are.
Tommy february6 - L・O・V・E・L・Y ~夢見るLOVELY BOY~ Mislabelled in the original video post on youtube. This features a giant Pikachu who is too cute to resist.=P The song is featured as the ending song of a Pokemon movie. =D
北出 菜奈 - 希望のカケラ [Kitade Nana - Kibou no kakera] Half-destroyed gothic lolita real-life sized stuffed toys dominate in the video, and even Nana herself resembles a doll.=P Super cute! And I really like the song.=D It was used as an opening theme for the Powerpuff Girls anime! [I sense a trend here..]
サザンオールスターズ - I AM YOUR SINGER [Southern All Stars - I AM YOUR SINGER] This is awesome because it's this bunch of seniors [old people? Basically, the band has been around since the 70s so I don't think they are that young] prancing around space in spacesuits and waving. I guess it shows you that age really doesn't matter when it comes to PVs that capture your attention. Haha.
東方神起 - Balloons [Dong Bang Shin Ki - Balloons] When I first saw this, I died laughing at these 5 pretty hot guys bouncing around in bunny, tiger, and a variety of other fluffy animal suits with balloons everywhere. HAHA. And I know, they are from Korea.. But since DBSK has releases in Japan too, will you excuse me this once? ^_^"
There are so many more crazy PVs out there.=P Go check them out!!
Finished watching the Antique Bakery movie with YX and it was thoroughly enjoyable! ^_^ At first I thought it was in Japanese so when Korean words started appearing on screen I was rather confused… But in the end, I kind of liked the way they did it and the actors they picked fit the roles really well. =)
Arrived in Chicago at night and went to eat deep-dish pizza! ^_^ Jeldine and I shared driving responsibilities so she fell asleep pretty quickly.. YX and I got started on Antique Bakery.. Haha.. =D I really must thank Wendaye for her supreme talent at recommending goodstuff as usual.
Anyway, Antique Bakery is rather inane and fluffy but that’s not to say I didn’t like it. Sometimes watching serious stuff everyday just takes away the real feelings of happiness and enjoyment from watching shows like this! It doesn’t take itself seriously, the guys are good looking [o yes they are!], the pastries look gorgeous [and totally ready to be eaten], and of course, the story is tight, directing is pretty good, and the on-screen chemistry amongst the actors works very well. I’d seen the anime before [Antique Bakery was adapted from the Japanese manga of the same title], so I pretty much knew the whole story. But even knowing the plot, and knowing exactly what’s going on, I still enjoyed the fact that they took out less important bits, kept the whole story tight, and most of all that they managed to interpret the movie in such a fun and light-hearted way.
Unlike Korean dramas that can drag on forever, with the female-lead sobbing every other scene, Korean movies tend to far much better on my scales because with only about 2 hours or so to finish a story, they tend to be much faster-paced and well-made. Antique Bakery has a very enjoyable atmosphere to it, with just a few lead characters [all male. Yay!] to develop so it does it very nicely. It’s also a bit silly with song and dance sequences that add on to the very fun and a little crazy atmosphere they have going on in the movie – something that is utilized well and that makes the movie so very good.
The plot itself is nothing to scream about, rather it’s the process of the film that makes you like it more. I’m usually scathing in my comments with regards to films with zero plot and bad acting. However, with the raburabu Japanese cuteness transforming into raburabu Korean cuteness, coupled with the actors’ abilities to really design their characters to be very real, Antique Bakery manages to capture your attention and lock you to the screen. It’s very compelling when you see a cast who can draw you into the film. Also, I didn’t expect all that much from the movie, so maybe that’s why I enjoyed it even more.=)
I’m sure that there are people who won’t like it and will probably tell me that I have horrendous taste in movies, but to me at this point, it was something I enjoyed very much and it helped me not think about anything else for a while.=) Even Hana Yori Dango couldn’t do that. Maybe this world needs more silly light-hearted shows like Antique Bakery – and the world will be a much happier place!
Cheers *[-witchstone-]*
[music : Jeldine’s driving “playlist” =D] [mood : super. sleepy.] [food : Chicago Deep Dish!]
I will post photos soon. I promise! I just need to upload them first.=P
Who knew turning 21 would be accompanied with so many other things? Suddenly, my weekend was packed and stressful and tiring and I haven't been so stressed in a very long time...
And it's not just all my stuff, it's other people's stuff, and other pressing issues like school work. (T_T)
I guess with power comes responsibility, and I guess with age comes the burden of time and life. With a better understanding of the world as each day goes by, we see more and learn more about how to deal with things, how other people deal with things, how things should and shouldn't be. Challenging what I've always believed or thought, thinking about alternatives to my way of thinking, and learning more about these new perspectives has all been part and parcel of growing up. Having principles and beliefs has never really helped because sometimes they are challenged and sometimes they are propped up by what other people say - and you just get confused. Then you have to discover for yourself what you want and what you believe in and how it can coincide with the rest of the world.
Writing my paper on Banshun/Late Spring [it's a brilliant movie - it's so simple but I loved it] yesterday, I came across this line in an analysis of the movie, and I thought, wow. To be able to bring across to the audience not just something like this, but so much more is really a sign of a fantastic director and film.
life goes on with or without our complicated social constructs
Isn't that so true? And all Ozu [the director of Banshun/Late Spring] had to do was intercut scenes of people with scenes of nature to evoke such a thought. It's so simple but so brilliant and something people like me would have never thought of.
Taking this Japanese cinema class has been horrendously stressful and difficult but I've learnt so much. =)
And listening to 宇多田ヒカル is always something I enjoy because her lyrics are always so meaningful and really make you feel something - all the better if you can relate to them and feel what she wants to express.
ダイヤモンドよりもやわらかくて あたたかな未来 手にしたいよ 限りある時間を 君と過ごしたい from Flavor of Life
私の声が聞こえてますか? 深夜一時のHeart Station チューニング不要のダイアル 秘密のヘルツ from Heart Station
They probably mean nothing to you but listening to the song, somehow everything makes sense - and even taking words out of context works too.=P To me at least. *is guilty*
Not just 宇多田ヒカル... I've been listening to a lot of Studio Ghibli songs lately and also 陈奕迅! =P I guess there's just something about some music from Asia and the lyrics that they use that I feel can really speak to you and your emotions. I guess thematically, they deal with different issues and use different metaphors, etc. in contrast to music from Europe or America. Hmmm. Cultural differences! Lovesit~
[That's not to say I don't think music I've heard from other places doesn't touch me the same way, I'm just saying that recently I've thought about that - but trust me. I still love Oasis, Coldplay, The Killers, and those bossa nova tunes~ =D]
But anyway, 陈奕迅's voice has this great way of gripping you with his words and making you feel all sad and then you feel like you can relate to him..
Well, I'm officially 21! Although not technically yet since I was born at like, 6+am. =P With the fabled "key" in my hand [fabled because I guess, I still have to wait for the mother to hand it over..], what is it about being a full-fledged adult that people find so appealing?
Technically I suppose, there's the fabled freedom, the legal drinking age in the US, the suffrage in Singapore, adulthood, and responsibilities. With power comes responsibilities, but with age comes all that and more. Right?
I don't really feel 21 yet. I don't think I'm an adult just yet.. There's probably this maturity level that will increase with the thought that I'm an "adult" but currently... Mmm. Not really. I guess in my mind, being an adult is supposed to feel different, it's supposed to be something that you attain and suddenly you sprout maturity and fabulousness and everything.
But now that I am an adult, I guess suddenly you wonder if maybe you were wrong, and how being young is a good thing. I was saying the other day how I just want to turn 21 and stop there. I don't want to hit my 30s.. 40s.. and beyond. But I guess it's inevitable?
Thank you to all those who came for the Surprise Fruit Party! I know I was expecting it, and since I could hear everyone outside the door, it wasn't that much of a surprise. But what did surprise me was how many people showed up! Haha.. I wonder what it reflects? And it does remind me of something Xiaowei said to me the other day...
And thank you to all those who wished me Happy Birthday via phone, Facebook, email, and IM! =D Messages from people in Singapore made me miss home suddenly.. Haha.. But I guess I'm still happy to be here.^_^
So.. Another year, another birthday. Having hit my 2nd decade of life, and looking back on what I've done and what I've achived, what I've experienced, I guess I haven't achieved very much but I've experienced many different things which is probably what made me who I am today. Still, there's room for learning, improving, and growing. I'm glad I met all the people who have come and gone so far, and I'm looking forward to meeting more new people in the future.^_^
With this, I've probably hit the last milestone in life that isn't a decade-commemoration. 13 is the year of teenagehood, 16 is sweet sixteen, 18 is almost an adult, 20 is the 2nd decade, and 21 is the year of adulthood.
Tonight shall be one of semi-contemplative thought [I'm really sleepy and typing all this in a daze. Hence the lack of flow... lack of intelligence... and total TOTAL lack of sense], when the photos are taken and the pictures uploaded, those will come up.^_^
Hopefully with sleep and food [Afternoon Delight! Free Birthday Treats all over Ann Arbor!], I'll be more alive to type up a better post. I'm not very happy with this one. It's too rambly and sleepy. X__X
May the force be with you. And I hope snow instead of rain will come! xP cheers *[-witchstone-]*
[music : Missing Gackt + Utareru Ame Kitade Nana + Human The Killers + Paper Moon tommy heavenly6] [mood : sleepy and very very incoherent] [food : CANTALOUPE! And Caramel covered strawberries!!]
Jiamin: Haha. I love it when you say "when I get rich" too. It instills me with hope! =P And total fail! I'm so sad.=( No it doesn't say WOW, it's supposed to say "U of M". We are such failures at this.. Haha.. And I didn't pick up the bill because.. well.. I did explain it didn't I? Haha. Also, don't you think these Chinese/Cantonese songs are really really nice??
Zhilei: Haha. No tears today hopefully.=)
Wendaye: The milkshakes in the photo were strawberry and chocolate malt which were REALLY sweet. Strangely enough, their oreo cookies and cream was the least sweet and the most delicious of them all! Haha. Facebook is a powerful medium.=P I found out about the "surprise" birthday party through that too. Hoho.
Sam: Haha. Why not? Or were you being altruistic? =D
It's been a lovely day with lovely weather. Why not walk home after watching Wall-E? The night is a toasty 6 degrees celcius [according to weather.com] and the gentle breeze in the air is a treat. The waxing moon hangs overhead.
The souls on the street pass by alone, in groups, in pairs. It's a big contrast to the scenes I saw earlier - large groups of people, chatting, laughing, having a good time. I give a [maybe] drunk girl a high-five and leave her exclaiming about the weather. I pass the Insomnia Cookies truck which is doing a brisk business with passers-by, going home from parties probably. On my left were frat houses, guys drinking/smoking/fooling around together, hanging out of windows and off the main balcony. A girl jumps out in front of me trying to hail a cab off the street but no one stops for her. 3 skaters pass by and they speak to me, but I was thinking about something and didn't realize until they had already gone. "Good evening" says one, "Have a good one" says another. I could have responded but I didn't realize it till I had already passed by. In a distance I can hear a guitar being strummed and a guy singing loudly to its tune. I see 3 girls walking ahead of 4 guys singing in unison, 2 playing guitars. My step doesn't quicken but it doesn't slacken.
The streets are quiet and peaceful. Lights in the Michigan League shine down onto the street. As I pass the side, I see a 20 Dollar Bill on the ground. I saw it. But I didn't look at it. Then there was a guy staring at his boot which was completely full, but he still had a whole trolley of luggage next to him. To myself I thought, "Today's the day I didn't pick up a 20 dollar bill." And why didn't I? Without picking it up, I could have changed someone else's life. The lucky 20 dollar bill on the ground. I don't need it all that badly. Maybe someone else does. I continue walking. A drunk guy stands by the road-side, waving at cars. I walk by, edging away. Just in case. Finally, there are cars on the road at Glen. Red neon glows from Jimmy John's and illuminates its surroundings.
I turn into Catherine. A couple passes by. I look up. The waxing moon quietly watches everything below, and casts a glow everywhere. At the door of the bright lobby, I pull.
I can't believe I got into an argument over birthdays coming this weekend. It's so pointless and useless to argue about a birthday. I know I know. It's stupid of me to believe that my birthday is less important than someone else's to other people because how exactly am I supposed to know what others count as important or not?
But I really think that people shouldn't make such a big deal about my birthday. Of course, if it's my parents/family that's different... I don't know. I just think that for friends and stuff, I'm sure they have much better and more important things to think about. What they want really, is for you to be happy of course [that's what I feel when I'm thinking of other people's birthdays anyway] but I'd be happier if they would just concentrate on their stuff [because I know everyone's busy and everything] so that we can go out and do OTHER things [and play, even when it's not someone's birthday] on other days.
Sometimes random and quick bursts of happiness are much more appreciated and fun than huge celebrations don't you think? Keyword of course, being sometimes.
Plus when people ask me what I want to do, or what I want to eat, or what I want for my birthday I don't know how to answer them. Of course I know what I want to do. And of course I know what I want to eat. [I don't know what I want for my birthday from friends though. O__o Really. As always, parents reside in a different category. Mwahaha.] But how exactly am I supposed to tell you what I want to do without being all self-absorbed and thinking only of what I want? Isn't it better if everyone has fun and has no worries [monetary, time, etc.] about it?
I'll be the first to admit that I'm rather a brat when it comes to good food because I really don't mind paying for food if it's really that awesome. But at the same time, I can't expect everyone to think the same way as me, and to be willing to spend the same amount as I am. Right? So imagine the scenario where I want to eat say, Joel Robuchon for my birthday. [Ok, impossible. I will need to call in The Parents for this..=P] Can you imagine people's faces/thoughts when they look at the prices? That isn't fair is it. And not everyone likes such meals.
So you see, I find it most uncomfortable to tell people what I want to do or eat on my birthday. Anything you do for me is most appreciated. But in the end, what I really want is a situation where I can request anything, anything I really want without worrying about anything else.
In the end. What is the perfect birthday? There is no perfect anything. Just because it's my 21st birthday this year doesn't mean it's any more special or different from other birthdays. It's just a social construct to believe that. But unfortunately, I think I subscribe quite readily to social constructs.. Sometimes..
I'm sorry guys for asking so many questions and for making people feel bad about stuff. *bows deeply* I'm really sorry. And I'm sorry if I spoilt any surprises you guys wanted to spring on the birthday people. I'm also sorry for having plans on Saturday evening. I'm also sorry for raising my voice.
Let's not let anyone be unhappy when a birthday is around the corner.^_^
But I guess the only fair thing to do is to give some hints. 1) The cuisine I'm thinking of is not Asian or American. 2) I kindasorta told someone what I want. 3) I'm making a cake too. Not because I don't trust other people, it's just that sometimes there are just some things you want to do on your own. And for your own reasons.
[music : 聽媽媽的話 周杰倫] [mood : xP] [food : --]
Just in case, you know, someone involved reads this: I hope you'll pass it along to those involved. My guess is, if you're involved, you know who else is too.
This is going to be a super quick and super random post because I just made dinner and I have to wax lyrical about how amazing I think these mashed potatoes are.
In Singapore, they usually have this horribly crumbly texture and absolutely unimpressive taste.
Then I came here and ate mashed potatoes in the dorm. Those were equally unimpressive but had a much creamier texture.
When I moved out, I couldn't figure out how it was that restaurants could serve such glorious and freshly mashed potatoes - and I wanted to figure out how to make glorious mashed potatoes without all that cream [I would add butter but a lot less].
I tried Russet Potatoes - those were.. ehhh ok I guess. Idaho Potatoes - a little better but not quite there. Red-skinned Potatoes - Nice but not quite mashed potato potatoes. So one day I scoured the grocery store for a potato that would finally make me happy. And there they were, happy and gold.
Yukon Golds! What a name, I thought. But reading the description, I decided that I should just try it out.
And glorious! Glorious they were! Adding some butter, salt, and black pepper is all you need to create beautifully creamy and smooth mashed potatoes!!
I made it once.
I made it twice.
I've made it several times and each time - YAY! Happiness in a lump of mashed potatoes. They look terribly unimpressive of course, but since when do mashed potatoes look great? They sit there, waiting to be eaten, and you hesitate because all you can think of are the calories and fat in it. But once you eat glorious mashed potatoes [I'm talking home-made here, not any of those send-me-to-heaven Joel Robuchon types], there's no looking back.=D
Especially when they are freshly mashed with Land O Lakes butter by yourself.
For 2 people, just boil up about 4 Yukon Gold potatoes, when cooked, drain them and mash them with a sprinkle of salt and pepper [to taste] as well as 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter [or omit the salt if you're using salted butter]. Add more butter if you want it even creamier and smoother. Mix well, making sure salt and pepper are distributed and butter is melted. You're done. ^_^
On Sunday we had an Audi convoy headed toward East Lansing for the final night of Spring Awakening's run at MSU! ^_^
Overall, I really really enjoyed the entire musical: the music was great, I thought the stage set up was really good, and of course the actors were good as well [and goodlooking! xD]. I loved how they mixed rock with pop and folk for the soundtrack, while utilizing the singers' voices without compromising their talent. The stage layout was really nice too, and there were even members of the audience sitting up there.=P
Plot The story is based on a German play written in the 1890s and it is set in a provincial German town of the same period. It's basically about the sexual awakening - or rather, discovery of sex and its implications - of a bunch of German teenagers and how it affects them. It's a controversial story and includes a "sex" scene which I guess, would make it unsuitable for young audiences.=P Trust me, when it erm. Suddenly occurred, I was rather surprised.. Haha..
Music Great soundtrack!!! I love the music they used in the musical. I was expecting a more traditional soundtrack like that of Wicked or The Phantom of the Opera but was pleasantly surprised to hear them use contemporary music like rock and pop. It worked very well with the angst(!) that those teenagers were wont to express. Also, it injected a vibrancy to the musical which worked very well I think, since it's all about discovery and teenage woes.=P
Stage The stage set-up was really nice, and well thought out if you ask me. I really liked the little details they inserted into the background of the stage. They also utilized the stage to its fullest potential, having a moving platform in the middle for example, and leaping around the stage using the stage prop's heights to introduce more movement in the musical. =D
I guess with this, another Tony-award winning musical has been added to the notches on my post. I'm looking forward to watching MORE musicals as they come along!! ^_^ Perhaps Sweeney Todd will be next, or something else that captures my attention and comes along at the right time [ie: when there are no exams].=D
It's strange though, to be watching a musical called Spring Awakening just as spring itself is [hopefully] approaching! Still, thanks to Groundhog Day [I don't get the point of it but o well], there's still at least 6 weeks of winter to go.=P
In the meantime, it's back to school and cold but sunny Ann Arbor days.^_^ cheers *[-witchstone-]*
I came back like, 2-3 days ago but with little time on my hands thanks to making the most of spring break, I guess I only have time to post pictures now..=P
And since I took quite a lot of photos [can't beat my Spain album though. Omg..] I thought I'd just put up a select few here and post the rest on the gorgeousness that is FACEBOOK! Haha..=P
Anyway, in semi-chronological order:
Some of the most amazing crab cakes you'll ever try from Joe's Stone Crab on Washington Avenue!!! They tasted even better because we were sitting at a random corner in a park by the beach at night.=P Romantic? Hoho..
After dinner, we took a walk along Ocean Drive Avenue which is the main stretch of South Beach that you see in every single photo of it!! =P It's really nice at night, with the Art Deco buildings and lit-up neon lights and everything.^_^
The next day, we headed for the EVERGLADES!!! ^_^ This is on the airboat ride through the swampy lands of the Everglades..=P Most of the national park is covered in swampy areas, only little islands exist where you see trees.^_^
After the airboat ride, we went to look for the trails in the Everglades to go walk around and admire the wildlife!! There's plenty of wildlife by the way, so if you like animals and birds and reptiles and whatnot, this is the perfect place for you.=P
Plus, the weather was gorgeous..xD
And of course, how can you go to Miami without hitting South Beach? =D =D =D It's SO BEAUTIFUL!!! xD xD xD We were most excited. See:
The Guys.
The Girls + Lishuang who is too mature to join us in our childish flings. Hahaha.=P
These birds were hovering JUST above my head!! It was so creepy.. xP They were trying to fly out toward the sea but the wind was so strong, they just remained in one spot until they gave up.. Haha..
Our dinner that night at a Cuban place!! =D Paella!!! I know, how is paella Cuban right. I have no idea too.. But it was pretty yummy~ I still maintain that the one I ate in Spain was the best though.=P
The next day, we once again hit the beach to lounge around and basically do nothing with our lives.=P I did do my readings there though, while the others splashed around in the sea. Haha..
Our lunch at Pizza Rustica! ^_^ The pizza there is excellent though it definitely can't beat the Italians..
After lunch we went to walk down Ocean Drive again and decided to stop for...
Milkshakes and Maltshakes at Johnny Rocket's!!! ^_^ It was uber sweet but still not too bad.=P
The wind was really strong! But the sun decided to show itself again and we hit the beach once more..=)
Can you tell what we're trying to say??? Lots of people couldn't.. Maybe it's too abstract?? =X
Dinner!!! Amazingly good Peruvian food with tons and tons of seafood and fresh blended fruit smoothies!! Mmm. So good.=D
I had so much fun in Miami!! The life there is super chill and relaxed all the time.. And it seems like people can party any night of the week.. We met some people in the hotel.. Some of them are working in Miami.. But it's as if they are on a holiday at the same time! =P
I guess there are 2 things I'd go back to Miami for: Food and the Beach.=) Now all I need is a coconut tree...
cheers *[-witchstone-]*
[music : MAMBO songs!] [mood : thinking of the beach...] [food : guotie! But I'd really rather be having seafood..]
YX: For my summer study abroad programs! But I'm done writing them. YAY!! =D Catching up on my readings now..
Jiamin: O yes you're right. I did make an error. Oops! Haha..=X Yes.. I LOVE that dress too!!! xD And are you talking about that pink monstrosity she wore??? It's terrible!! =(( And she looks so old now.. I'm very sad..
My Emotible!
starry-eyed: filled with such youthful hope and optimism that one's eyes twinkle even when it's dark
Wish List
ie: motivation to save money!
- clothes
- shoes [heels! boots!]
- the perfect tote
- coats/outerwear! [Soïa & Kyo, Burberry...]
- Gackt - nine*nine
- Gackt Photobooks:
1 The Gift The Sixth Day & Seventh Night Tour Document (2004)
2 Crescent Photobook (out of print)
- Cookbooks!
1 Thomas Keller The French Laundry Cookbook
2 The Nobu Cookbook
3 Emily Luchetti A Passion for Desserts
4 Alice Medrich Pure Dessert
- Anime/Manga
1 Rurouni Kenshin
2 xxxHOLiC
3 Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-
- Proficiency at Japanese!
- Learn French for Food!