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visions of clarity...do as infinity

Monday, July 31, 2006


Do you see new Youtube links on the side bar? xD Okay. You probably didn't even know what was there in the first place but let me assure you. There are a 2 new Youtube links!

The first is YOSHIKI's performance of The Last Song during his concert with the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra in 2002. As I've said, Yoshiki is an amazing pianist. Like, omg. If he never made it as a rock star, he'd definitely have made it as a classical musician. He's so talented!!! *dies* So I strongly urge you to load the video and listen to the soft melodies composed by Yoshiki.=) Amazing stuff.

The second is unnamed song, a song he performed with a black singer at Hey! Hey! Hey! in 2005 after the food special with Gackt! I love the song. It's so.. emotive.^_^ And best of all, it's in English for all you non-Japanese music listeners! =) It has that Yoshiki flavour to it. And he's performing on his glass piano!!! *swoons*

You might also notice [or maybe not..] that I've added Yoshiki's CD and DVD to my wishlist! ^_^ I firmly believe in supporting talent and I was thinking about it.. I'm not a rock-girl. Nor am I a pop-girl at heart. I'm a classical music person at heart. I see the signs everywhere. Just goes to show that you can't deny what you truly love.^_^

Ooh. Found a video where he's apparently performing with someone from The Pussycat Dolls! *peers* He can perform with anyone and still do superbly.=) He does look rather old in the 2002 concert though, being all ancient and everything. But seriously. Who cares? He's extremely talented, is bursting with ideas and.. I cannot wait for VIOLET UK to release their record.xD *squeals!* GASPP. It's the lead singer of Pussycat Dolls!! In Yoshiki's concert in 2002!!! And the song is called I'll be your love (classical version).xD *squee!*

She starts off really airy but she gets progressively better.=D All aided by Yoshiki's brilliant piano-skills and the orchestra of course.^_^ I think Gackt should utilise this more.xP I love Love Letter and Lust for blood as well as all those songs with You's violin like Mizerable, Rain [I think]. ^_^ I realised that the VIOLET UK singer who did unnamed song in the Hey!x3 show has a voice similar to this Pussycat Doll's lead singer's. Hmm. Seems like Yoshiki likes this kind of voices. Just like Mana seems to like voices like Gackt's since even in Moi Dix Mois, the vocalist sounds a bit like Gackt.O.o

In other music news, Miyavi's new album "MYV Pops" is going to be released next week and w-inds. has a new single called "Untitled" coming out at the start of September. On top of that, Gackt's DVDs are coming out end August and his SACDs will be released over the August to November period. Moi Dix Mois' new single, "Lamentful Miss", will be released in October along with alice nine's "Number Six." single.


[music : unnamed song Yoshiki VIOLET UK + I'll be your love (classical) Yoshiki]
[mood : calm]
[food : --]

My dad got me the Napola DVD!!! You cannot imagine how thrilled I am. TOM SCHILLING!!! xD Now. *cough* I hope there are English subtitles. Or at least, Chinese ones. O.o

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Four posts in a day!!! Gaspp. A new record indeed!

Anyway, plugging this cute bear:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It is surprisingly cute. Buy it in support of MINDS at $10 a bear. Just urhm. Ask me for it.=)

This is assuming, of course, that people are still reading this blog after having to endure multiple entries a day. And that people are still coming online during the pre-prelims period.

Came online with the sole intention of listening to Dragon Ash's Ivory which is still weighing on my mind.=S Is it as good as you think it is? Click here (link) to find out.^_^ The quality is pretty good surprisingly.=) It's not as brilliantly catchy as when I first heard it, but it's not bad. Heh.

I wrote my E8 essay just now and it's honestly one of the worst essays I've ever written in my life.(T_T) I was practically forcing words out in order to fill the pages. Wails. But even if you make me do it again, I'll do the same thing because omg Shakespeare is so difficult!!! *cries* Or maybe it's just me and my lousy literature skills..=( Sigh. I was rather pleased that I finished but rather demoralised at the same time when I realised that I'm completely useless at lit. Sigh.

Besides Dragon Ash, I kept thinking of Lust for blood by Gackt. And NINE SPIRAL too. (T_T) Angsty heavy music.O.o Is this reflective of stress?

Omg! There's going to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! I just saw the trailer (link)!!! This is thrilling!!! I mean, I totally remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from my childhood!!! I liked urhh.. Mr Orange turtle. What's his name.. Michaelangelo? [However it's spelt.] And I know my brother liked Mr Blue guy.. Urh.. Can't remember what's his name. Ahh. The memories. This is beyond exciting!!! xD In fact, the trailer is rather cool and all high quality graphics. Kinda makes one compare it to the old version with crappy graphics and reminiscence. O wait. I remember Mr Blue's name. Leonardo right right? xD

It'll be released next year, March 30th 2007. ^_^ Look out for it!

I think I'm getting old. I actually remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Like.. How old school can you get? [Let's leave out ACME and Looney Tunes for the moment.] Sigh. The young these days belong to the world of.. Hmm. As is indicative of my old age, I don't even know what they are into. Is Pokemon still the phenomenon that it was?

Saw a thread on whether Miyavi is ripping off hide. Now. Who's hide again? Is he the guy from X Japan? Anyway.. Someone said: "it seems that Miyavi is trying to be the hide of the third wave of VK, as Gackt was trying to be the hide of the second. They go solo, and they try to put up an endearment act, like they love everything about the world that they are immersed in. I think Miyavi does it WAY more than Gackt though (even if I hate Gackt just as much) He tries to simulate his act and style, or at least that is what I have seen." Ouch dude. Ouch.xP Have they ever heard of being influenced?

And everyone hates Gackt. [Or doesn't want to "go there".] *sigh* Poor guy.

Well. I guess I'd better get back to work. (T_T) Sigh. I really have to work harder.xP


[music : Ivory Dragon Ash + Lust for blood Gackt]
[mood : tired.]
[food : --]

Just now on Animax Musix, I saw HYDE's Countdown video.=D Haha. I rather like that song..=P And on Animax Musix, they flash information on the artist during the PV preview to sorta give you an idea about that artist and they were talking about Moon Child! Haha. Totally gave me a chance to gush to my brother who remains unimpressed. Apart from that, it gave me a chance to listen to Hyde's non-ballad side [which is heard in Faith and 666] since I'm still in this state of "Hyde = Roentgen".-.-" Me = idiot. xP After all, Hyde is rock. But I was thinking. If Animax Musix played Hyde, didn't the chance of them playing Gackt [who did the songs for Final Fantasy and the Texhnolyze anime] just go up a notch? xD *squee!*

My third update. Am I trying to set a new record?


Comment on this entry and:

1. I'll respond with something random about you
2. I'll challenge you to try something
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you
4. I'll tell you something I like about you
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your blog

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

*cough* Don said I remind him of a bloody hamster.-.-" Thanks. Totally flattering description by the way. And his first memory of me as an AC Bimbo simply puts a cherry on top of the cake.-.-"

Anyway, after deciding to be kind and generous *preens*, I posted this link on a community to share the song, but I don't want to waste the link so if anyone sees this, download it! [It's worth it. I promise.=D]

Gackt, Hyde & Wang Lee Hom - Orenji no Taiyou (link to YSI)[performed live at the Jougen no Tsuki concert in 2003]

I posted it yesterday so hopefully it won't die anytime soon.=) And I *cough* hope people actually read this and urh download it so it won't go to waste.^_^"

Tried snacking healthily but nothing's working. Finished the pack of Reese's Snacksters that I got in the US [it's full of wholegrain cereal and not very good.xP], a mini box of Milo cereal [xD I love that stuff] and one carton of soyamilk. And now I'm eating fruit. I've curbed the "omg I feel like eating NOW" feeling but.. I'm not satisfied. You see. I should totally have conjured up ang ku kueh and swiss rolls.xP Sigh.

I finally managed to create playlists!!! *is proud of self* *beams* xD xD xD Obviously not as technogically challenged as I thought myself to be. Mwahaha. They aren't very interesting but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to come up with something better soon.*beams* Sadly though, I'm urhh not incredibly sure how to you know.. Urh.. Shuffle the songs.=S As in, I'm not sure how one is supposed to urh.. reorder the tracks? =S

Okay. I have to turn off the computer. ARGH.xP Been doing my work, then clicking on songs to play and doing all sorts of distracting things. Plus, the laptop is taking up too much room on this tiny desk!!! *glares*


[music : birdcage Gackt + Requiem Due'le Quartz]
[mood : grumpy]
[food : --]

Surprisingly, Requiem is not a bad song! ^_^ And I think there was a nice guitar part for Miyavi. I just realised how easy YSI is to use so if anyone wants any files, don't hesitate to ask me.=P [If anyone even reads this that is. *sigh*]

Just as I was thinking of ang ku kueh this morning..

Lo and behold! An article of 7 of the best ang ku kueh stalls in Singapore! *squeals*

My favourite stall so far is there.xP Grump. Now the chances of them selling out are even higher.*glares* I've got to try the other stalls.. Like.. Around now.xP

And yay! From next Sunday, more pages will be devoted to food drink in Lifestyle! *squeals with happiness* Wee! *beams*

I really feel like eating ang ku kueh now.=(

Why is there nothing to eat at home?!


[music : Anima Mundi Rentrer en Soi]
[mood : grumpy]
[food : *chants* ANG KU KUEH ANG KU KUEH!]


Was reading Lifestyle and they had a feature on blogs and so, being inherently kaypoh, I went to check some out. And wee! I actually found something relatively interesting.

In June around the.. 10-20th I guess, they had this cosplay thing [okay. It was cosplay per se, but they had people dressing up in Gothic Lolita/like Jrockers from Cure, Shoxx, etc.] at the place behind Orchard Cineleisure! How terribly exciting. The blogger [
harosingapore.blogspot.com] actually posted loads of photos and hmm.. I guess they aren't too bad? =P Hehe. How exciting! Never did I know they had so many events like that.=P

This has totally spurred me to convince my dad [again] that we should go to Japan right around.. NOW and then I can drag them to Harajuku [them being of the protective parent variety] so I can squeal over not only the cosplayers but also all the goodies Harajuku has to offer! Like.. OMG JROCK MAGAZINES!!! *hops around*

I mean, everyone thinks they dress weird but hello. This is Mana and I'm pretty sure he looks relatively normal:
xD *squeals*

Anyway, I have yet to bring up the idea of the prom dress with my mother.O.o She'll probably sigh and go "so boring" since she, like most of my friends, is a lover of colour.-.-" Well, sorry I'm boring and unimaginative but I really do like black. Is there anything wrong with black?! Sigh. All the discrimination it faces..

Speaking of black, I was just thinking last night, while trying to keep myself awake, how I would apply black eyeliner. Hmm. It looks rather difficult actually, to achieve a really nice line like you see on fabulously pretty Jrockers..xP And I love their clothes..*sighs dramatically* Now, if only I could be really slim, I could totally wear what they do. *mind trails off to Uruha's (from Gazette) hot pants and hotter legs in the magazine photoshoots..* But seriously. The amount of thought put into their clothing is quite amazing because you have to consider how the whole outfit works through the various pieces put together, then you've got to add on accessories and deal with hair and makeup. I still remember Miyavi saying that after going solo, he always had to wait for like, 1-2 hours after getting ready for the concert to start because he had previously been in Due'Le Quartz [a visual kei band] and they'd spend hours on their costumes and makeup; he was used to that so after he went solo with a pared down image, he always started preparing way too early.=P Haha.

Due to tremendously heavy rain today, all plans to eat Vietnamese food were foiled and I was stuck eating at Ivin's near my house.xP It's not that the place is really bad or anything but there's this lingering smell that trails after you hours after you've left the place. And while the food is passable, I wouldn't recommend it for good Nonya food.=S I'm sure Joo Chiat has better options. Tonight isn't much better since I'll be stuck at home eating Mee Siam. I'm not even that fond of Mee Siam.=S

There's an article on how Jolin Tsai's boobs have been *cough* getting bigger. Ahaha. I don't know why they are so fascinated with this. Does it matter if she claims to be a C cup but really is something else? And *cough* she claims "she had increased her bust size by dieting less and eating more beef". Like, O.O Haha. This is very strange. Discussing one's cup size in public is rather an invasion of privacy don't you think? Especially when they keep harping on it.

I'm still wondering how I can create a playlist that doesn't necessarily mean having to create a folder.=( I tried making a playlist on my dad's laptop and it's been all good so far.=D [This comes from a girl who never knew playlists could be urh *cough* created till like.. Last year. ^_^"] Haha. Jrockers provide one with enough variety in their music [even from individual artists] that it doesn't get boring.=) And it's good to study to because I urhh don't know what they are saying so I don't get distracted. In sec 4, it was New Age New Age New Age. Now it's Jrock.^_^ I wonder what I'll be listening to in University?

Gasp. Rentrer en Soi released an album in May this year.O.o Wasn't that the one I *cough* downloaded? Ooh. I guess one good thing about Jrock is that I don't know about which songs they release as singles and all that so every song comes as new to me and hence, I listen to every song on equal footing. Unlike say.. English music where I've been listening to the single before the album is released so I tend to focus more on those songs when I listen to the album.=S Maybe I'm just weird that way but yea. And anyway, Rentrer en Soi urhh isn't as ugly as I thought they were. Haha.=P Maybe I've only seen concert photos which tend to obscure faces but hmm. *peers at image* They look typically visual kei.=)

I want more Inugami Circus-Dan songs! *sulks*

And whatever happened to my resolve to look for English rock songs to diversify?

There's Gackt looking all good and everything to break the monotony of words.=)

*sigh* Studying is growing even more uninspiring as the minutes tick by.xP


[music : birdcage + NINE SPIRAL Gackt + PROTOPLSM Rentrer en Soi]
[mood : glum]
[food : vietnamese rice paper rolls.(T_T)]

Yay! This week there's Sumiko Tan, Tan Hsueh Yun and Colin Goh's columns! *cheers*

Saturday, July 29, 2006

With everyone starting to go out and study or being generally hardworking, I can't help feeling like I'm not studying hard enough.xP And, of course I'm not. If I were studying hard enough, I'd actually have memorised most of the history nonsense by now.

And I haven't obviously.

I don't think I ever can.

Does that mean I never am studying hard enough?

Sigh. *stares at tutorial dismally*

At least I'm not dozing off over the work.xP But this computer screen that's keeping me awake is also hurting my eyes like anything. Oh the trade offs one makes for studies.xP

*sighs in despair*

To finish studying is an impossible dream.

On the other hand, I managed to wake myself up just now by finding a large number of droolful Gackt images! The one time fangirling is actually mildly useful! *is pleased*

Is that not a very nice picture? ^_^ Not only managed to update the folders, but managed to add on nice ones.*beams* There's a really cute Sixth Day Seventh Night Sleeve [mini posters from the Tour Goods] of the Gackt cartoon! xD Haha. I love it. I think its adorable.=) Count Gakula one girl coined it. LOL! xD

The dismal state of my brain just screams to be filled with information that I know and have forgotten.xP I really need to study Lit. Really. I've barely touched the books. I am just going to die!!! I can feel it.(T_T) *cries*

And for some reason, my back and arms are aching.xP Probably a hint to me to quit stuffing totes with too much crap - Just carry a backpack instead.xP Sigh. My poor pinkish-purple bag..

I hope I get to eat Vietnamese food tomorrow.xP My brother is usually not very cooperative when such food is concerned. And my dad's going to Shanghai tomorrow and coming back on Monday. Like, omg what's the point.-.-" But anyway. Vietnamese food!!! (T_T) I want to eat pho. And I want cha goi. And.. I can't remember what the fresh rice paper rolls are called but yes. I want them too.xP Finally! The food cravings are emerging. As long as I am dying to eat healthy things, I don't quite see a problem.=)

I also got money from insurance for the delayed flight in New York. Exciting is it not? My dad decided to let me keep it since I'm forever going on and on about how poor I am.=P Wee! My saving money schemes WILL begin in August-November.*nods determinedly*

Was talking to Jiamin about prom and all the extra things one has to do for it.^_^ I love talking about this kind of thing.. You get to drift off into happy mode and dream of the joyous times after the A Levels. Hehe.=P I know what dress I want already!!! It'll be a long shot and I'll probably never get it but trust me. If I find a nice one, I'll do all I can to get it.xP Although *cough* I doubt my mother will be pleased if she thinks it's too expensive. *sigh* And it's not a very practical reusable dress either. I want a wrap dress for that!!! Hehe.

Please let my hair be longer and not horrendously ugly by the time November rolls around.=)

Please let me study now. Or rather concentrate long enough to finish this tutorial before sleeping. xP Plans to do my essay in the morning have been foiled but I think it's better because I work better at essays in the afternoon anyway.=) In the morning I can listen to Hyde over my dad's happy new stereo system! xD Yay. And maybe Keita too if no one objects.*beams*

Right. Back to work.

[music : Death Wish Gackt]
[mood : sleepy]
[food : vietnamese rice paper rolls.xP]


Finally. I found a place in my room where the bloody internet signal strength isn't 1MBPS.-.-" I mean. 1 Megabyte per second is beyond pathetic considering my dad gets like 11 MBPS in his room. Growls. It's now a measly 5.5.-.-" *glares at horrendously thick wall that blocks off all signals.RAWR*

Only problem is this place isn't particularly bright. Hmm. And there isn't that much space..=S

Four hours of math tuition is great!!! I should have done this from the start.xP I can concentrate and get more work done in the 4 hours because it gives you time to settle down and get stuff DONE. It's different from say.. getting some questions done. It's about getting a substantial number of questions done. So yes. 4hour tuition!!! Plus it's on Saturday so I'm not like, completely dead and sleepy like I am after school.xP

*glances at SEA questions*

Gosh. They are so.. uninspiring.=( Sigh. But must persevere and get work done!!! *nods determinedly* It's alright doing more questions now since prelim papers from other schools will fly into our hands after the prelims in preparation for the A levels! ^_^ And *sigh* E8. Another uninspiring piece of work. I mean.. I don't even know if I annotated the drama piece correctly. How would I know if I'm right when I write the essay?! (T_T) Stupid Shakespeare.*glares*

On the other hand, I've been starting Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It's interesting so far though I'm not entirely sure where they are heading.=P [Except for Doomsday. Which is supposed to come next Saturday.] I really shouldn't be reading it but hello. Sometimes I get so stuffed up with completely boring history facts that one really needs something.. entertaining.

Saw the new Paris Hilton video today.-.-" Sorry. But I don't see much point in it except that it's a chance for her to prance around in front of the camera in very little and make out with a rather hot male.xP

Hopefully I can drag myself off the internet and get work done so I can sleep early tonight and wake up early tomorrow to do my E8 essay.xP Groan.


[music : Eege Malice Mizer + many random songs (see below)]
[mood : tired]
[food : vietnamese spring rolls!!! RAWR.]

During tuition, unlike Jiamin who has a playlist, I was playing random songs before starting to put them on repeat.=P Sadly, I can't seem to create a playlist. Do not ask me why.*sighs dramatically* Anyway. First I was listening to random songs then I kept replaying HYDE's Shallow Sleep, PROTOPLASM by Rentrer en Soi, moving on to Le Ciel by Malice Mizer then fixating on Gackt's Kimi ga oikaketa yume and Shima Uta. And finally.. I think I moved on to like.. I don't know. Some other random songs and. So yes. =S I always try to remember to listen to songs and remember the numbers so I know how many songs passed in that amount of time but hmm. Doesn't seem to be working.xP

Friday, July 28, 2006


Wee! Just returned from Jiamin's house not long ago from our "study late into the night" plans. xP Sigh. I think I would've been more productive if I had started earlier and ended later.xP O well. Not bad. I managed to do something without dozing off! *claps hands Keita-style* Amazing!

Currently listening to Faith, HYDE's latest album.=) It's a rather nice rock album so far.. He seems to be yelling into the mic most of the time.. Sad since it doesn't show off his vocals like the songs in Roentgen do. It's quite a change though.O.o Roentgen was calmer and compared to Faith, practically like ballads. Faith shows off HYDE's rock side and once I get 666, I'll be able to see which style I prefer.^_^ [Probably Roentgen but I'll like his rock tracks anyway.] I've read a lot about this album and the songs based on his Faith tour .. urh. Sometime ago.. So I'm looking forward to listening to the whole thing.^_^

Borrowed w-inds. from Jiamin as well! It's ageha .. last year's album I think? This year's is THANKS. Or something like that.^_^" I think the butterflies on the cover are pretty! Haha.=P And according to Jiamin, I like one of the songs inside and perhaps I'll find more songs that I like.^_^ Heh.

Speaking of butterflies.. On Pedder's window display is made up of screens showing butterfly graphics/cut-outs showing images within the shape of the butterfly. Nice! Haha. And there are gorgeous Stella McCartney heels with a butterfly applique!! So utterly gorgeous [saw them in Urban] and so utterly unaffordable! Plus they are so damn high so you know..xP Anyway, I'm thinking that spending $800 on a pair of shoes is rather impractical since shoes wear out quickly but yes.

I can't believe this. I'm so sleepy that even HYDE can't keep me awake. Argh. *shoots self* I shall have to sing along to Season's Call to keep me awake.xP

Math tuition tomorrow! Better stock up on them snackeroos and drinkeroos.xP

O boo. Work. *inwardly groans*

[music : Faith album HYDE]
[mood : sleepy but attempting to be insindustrious]
[food : --]

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I forgot to mention that I wrote a poem today in the library. I know. Completely random place to write. But I was really pleased because I haven't been able to write much lately. I've either been too exhausted mentally to think of words or I just haven't been struck by some kind of inspiration to write. It's really strange because in sec 4, during the exam period, I was writing prolifically. Coming up with poems like, really often.xP

Completely random thought sorry.

I think my brain is trying to keep from dying of complete boredom as I attempt to do IH.--" All this contextual knowledge is making me so sleepy!! [Big Thank you to Joyce for the contextual knowledge (CK).xD] CK = very very evil war machinery of the Source-based Kind.xP Especially when it's IH because it just constitutes.. everything basically. Since the stupid USA and USSR seemed to want to take part in everything going on around the world and asserting their power..xP Sigh.


I'm starting to drift off. But if I turn on my music again, I'll get distracted!!! xP I used to simply adore studying at night because it's so quiet. But suddenly this quiet is turning against me. I shouldn't have turned on my aircon!!!

May our not-studying-at-home-by-staying-out-to-study-late plan work.=) Study Buddies! ^_^ Better stock up on Kinder Bueno. Strangely though.. I can feel myself sinking into a cesspool of stress but I'm not getting cravings. It is very bizarre.xP By now I'm usually dying to eat chips, chocolate, comfort food and fattening food in general. However.. I'm still wondering if this food is fattening or whatever.xP Groan.

Arena tomorrow!! I can't wait.=) And why do I keep updating twice a day?! O.o


[music : Somebody told me The Killers]
[mood : extremely sleepy and zombified]
[food : --]


Some COW stole my Urban and I have been forced to come online to read it. *glares* The entire family was extremely unhelpful simply going, "why don't you ask your mom?" "go ask your dad" "doesn't your brother have it?!" And so on.-.-" *glares*

Omg. Apparently, one bowl of fishball noodles in soup [with lard and yellow noodles] contains a shocking 10g of fat and 2g saturated fat!!! *dies* This is just terrible. Lucky I always eat guo tiao. But even that's not very healthy because they use oil to prevent the guo tiao from sticking together when they pack it. I must remember to always tell the uncle to NEVER EVER put lard/oil in my fishball guo tiao.xP Argh. I love Shape for always reminding me about how everything I eat is extremely fattening and unhealthy.-.-"

And Yay! They endorse wearing heels but with caution: "Wear stilettos for evening functions when you know you won't be standing or wearing them for long." xD As my classmates say.. I also say!! xD Finally. A chance to jab at the magazine and glare at people who insist that they have to wear stilettos all the time.-.-" Oh. And the justification? Heels can "cause knee, hip, back, and shoulder and neck problems".

Argh. I hate reading Urban online!!! (T_T) I like the feel of paper. And I like the newspaperish layout.. Rawr.xP All this is lost on the online version. Very sad.

Ooh. Shape has a recipe for Vietnamese Rice Rolls with Honey Citrus Dressing! Sounds really interesting.=D And it's lowfat too!!! Haha. Now. All I have to do is look for lowfat and easy to make things to bring to school for lunch.*beams*

Was ultra productive at tuition just now! *beams* I was quite proud of myself. Haha.=P I just have a bit to go before I finish that tutorial then I can move on merrily to more prelim papers which are one of the greatest joys in life to do.

I need to study more. Maybe starting now would be good.xP O yes. Must transfer Crescent's songs into my mp3 player!!! Kimi ga oikaketa yume was playing away today in my brain and I didn't have it in my mp3 player!!! (T_T) Boy was I sad.xP Also I really have to replace the Gackt and Wang Lee Hom version of Orenji no Taiyou with the Gackt and Hyde version..xP And I discovered Wendy's nice playlist! Hahaha.=P I want 666!!! *hops around excitedly*

Oh. And Faith too please Jiamin.xD *beams* Will go on HYDE overload this weekend. Wee!

Shallow Sleep and Evergreen are great to study to. Nice, calming tunes.=) *beams*


[music : PROTOPLASM Rentrer en Soi + emu~for my dear~ Gackt + Itoshii Hito 2006 ver. Beta Suman Miyavi]
[mood : cheerful]
[food : --]

Those songs were like on repeat during tuition.O.o Along with Mephisto Waltz by Moi dix Mois and Sincerely by Rentrer en Soi. And like, Rentrer en Soi's Itsuwari en Uzu and Binetsu shita de shajitsu shita shinsou ha atesaki fumei no tegami to naru. [Neither of which I realised was by them till urh.. Now. When I checked the titles.O.o] They not only get the award for most played today, they also get the award for longest song title ever in my Neeon.O.o On my Neeon's screen, it just kept scrolling..and scrolling..and the title just never seemed to end.O.o

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I wasn't planning to update again. But YOU!!! *glares accusingly* All you extremely enthusiastic taggers!!! Haha. I decided to "reply" here since I'll be spamming my own tagboard by replying there.xO

Thus.. I shall take the opportunity to put up Moonchild images since it's in line with today's theme!

Gakuhai!!! *beams*

Did I mention I got a free Burberry London sample with the latest Harper's Bazaar? It smells surprisingly good! *beams*


Jiamin: I thought we established the fact that he shaved off half his hair sometime ago? When Zeelei was just screaming on and on about it? =P And the girl does NOT LOOK LIKE HIM. xP And anyway, i think his hair looks nice in the wild photo. Haha.

Wendaye: The *cough* power of Jpop indeed! Haha. The new Tsuyoshi song is HORRENDOUS. "The Rainbow Star! *hops around*" Like urh... *dies* Completely bad. And why are you asking ME about the sapuri song?! Our dear Zhilei is the resident expert..=P And I have to admit.. Signal is catchy. Despite how annoyingly repetitive it is..=P And Electrico isn't bad.=) Though I repeat.. I always thought it was a girl fronting the band. Hahaha.=P Plus, Miyavi has ALWAYS looked like a guy. Unless he's trying to look like a girl/visual kei.=P

I think he looks ADORABLE here.xD

Zeelei: Of COURSE I can send it to you by mail! ^_^ I'll try my best. But do you want the ones with the girl or the wild ones or both? You've gotta tell me before I send them. *glares* What do you mean by is he doing a Gackt?! I'll have you know that Gackt looks far better with girls that Miyavi does.xP I mean.. Gackt actually looks sweet with them. Miyavi .. doesn't.xP Hrmph. And why has Yamapi suddenly become.. Pi? O.o That's like some.. MATH THING.-.-" And what is sapuri about anyway?

*beams* Gakuhai! Looking all cool and everything. *beams beams*

I want to listen to Faith! *is sad* I'm so stupid to have missed all the downloads. I saw them all!!! (T_T) Sigh.

And.. Photobucket really resizes images!!! This has never happened before!!! xP RAWR!!!

cheers again

[music : Crescent album by Gackt]
[mood : ladida]
[food : --]

Sorry for the lack of intellectual things. I'm not particularly intellectual. xP They had the Uni fair in AC today. It was completely and utterly useless. Sigh. And Mr Ngoei said he'll write our testimonials based on the prelims grades. Does that spur me to go study?

Good evening..

*sobs* I just finished watching Moonchild. *wails* It's got such a sad ending!!!!!!!!! (T_T)

But then I found Gackt's "I'm-such-a-big-gangster-look-at-me!!!" stance rather pretentious and annoying.xP HYDE was just generally wonderful throughout.*beams* Except when he got all angsty and "omg-I-don't-want-to-live-in-this-curse!". Wang Lee Hom was generally annoying.^_^ As usual. How dare he kill Gackt. HRMPH. Lucky HYDE killed him right after so I was rather appeased. Haha.=P

I realised that Gackt isn't that bad of an actor.. When it comes to the sad scenes and I see his tragic-scene face.. I just feel sad too. He can portray emotions rather well I think? Haha. Especially in the "dying" scene.. He's had so much practice in Malice Mizer and in his concerts that he's quite good at dying scenes.=P Hehe. He just like *spasm spasm cough blood talks to HYDE. spasm somemore and then..finally..dies*. =P But a lot of the emotive scenes just make me really sad.(T_T) Sobs.

And I think You should have gotten more screentime!!! He appeared for a grand total of like, 3 scenes!!! And his dying scene is as dramatic a performance as Gackt's! Haha. He must have had practice too.=P He spasms strangely [because he's so lanky] and falls to the ground. Sad. I wish the camera zoomed in on his face more.xP Sigh. O well. With Gakuhai in this movie.. Poor You has no place in their world.(T_T)

Omg. The "HYDE-pulls-Gackt-to-him-and-cries" scene was so.. ultimately tragic! xP It was sweet of course. But hrmph. I would have preferred them to go into more of an embrace? Haha.=P Anyway. Moving on from the whole "omg-they-look-so-good-together" thing..

I like the music very much! ^_^ It's so epic and drama sounding..=P And of course.. I love Orenji no Taiyou though they only sing like.. the chorus of it or something. It's a really nice song and it suited the extremely moving last scene particularly well. *bursts into tears* Argh. That scene sends me into this state of "OMG SO SAD".(T_T) Ahem. It's really moving! xP Hrmph.

Anyway. I thought the way it was filmed, rather gritty and not so clear, was complementary to the whole atmosphere of the movie.^_^ Nice. And I think they made linkages quite well, like planting that random painting in the middle of park to link mother and daughter together.^_^

I do hope there's a continuation to this since Diabolos is a continuation of the MOON Saga.=D Which means that Gackt is continuing the story!!! And doesn't that mean that there might be a Moonchild 2??? xD xD xD Gakuhai!!! Yay. Haha. In the Jougen no Tsuki concert though, they have this "announcement" thing at the end that tells you that it's the end of the MOON Saga with the end of that tour as the final part to the story. So.. I don't know. I'm rather enjoying this childish boyish world of theirs with guns to solve all problems and lots of action.. And I think the DARTs story is quite cool too.^_^ One day. One day I will be able to read the Moon Child Novel. *nods determinedly*

Hmm. Tuition today was just generally useless. But at least I now have a summary sheet on all those stupid confidence intervals and hypothesis testing and.. all that nonsense.xP I mean, how is it even useful or relevant?! -.-" I barely made headway on the tutorial. Sigh. I have to make better use of my free periods instead of sleeping them away!!! (T_T)

Omg. I just went on and on and on about Moonchild.O.o Apologies..xP

On the other hand, I have to annotate history, highlight my E4 texts [omg. Where is my Undertones of War photocopy from when we didn't have the text?!], urh.. Do math? =S Or rather, study. xP Sigh. I just look at the pile and cringe inwardly before edging away to urhhhh do "other things".-.-" *smacks self*

Right. Shall hop over to the work pile now.xP Wish me luck. Hopefully not turning on the aircon and dying from stuffiness will keep me awake.xP


[music : Orenji no Taiyou Gackt + HYDE + Moonchild OST]
[mood : sad]
[food : --]

I love Orenji no Taiyou. *drifts off into merry dreamy state*

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Downloaded some Electrico from Wendaye. They aren't bad I suppose. Rather.. happy sounding? Haha.=P Also, is this meant to be rock? I'm not sure what the definition of rock is anymore.=S And I always thought Electrico had a female lead singer..xP Gosh. I'm like, not very up to date am I? Haha.

Anyway. New Miyavi pictures! I don't know what he's thinking..

First, you've got nice and happy Miyavi with a GIRL.-.-" I don't know why he's posing with a girl. It breaks my heart. I think he looks best alone or with other guys..xP

Apparently, this is supposed to be in line with the theme of his new album. I presume this new album refers to MYV POPS.=P In other words, it's going to be sappy and sweet. Ooh. Maybe there'll be nice songs like Ashita Tenki ni Naare and Dear from XXX! xD Yay.

And then you've got wild and crazy Miyavi. Just the way I like him, looking all gorgeous and everything..xD

Yay. Does he look good or what?! Haha.=D He looks great in such poses and he never looks stupid in the most ridiculous costumes.[Except for the ventriloquist one. That was really bad.xP] But he looks fantastic like this! *beams*

Wow. Someone just bought Koichi's new single, the CD/DVD version, doesn't like it and now wants to sell it. Haha. Zeelei! Maybe you'll find a Singapore fan like that.xD Haha.

My mom just came into my room just now and while she was randomly flipping through You Zhou Kan, she suddenly went, "Is it really worth it, paying all that money for Gackt CDs?" [Of course, she said it in Chinese. And she still can't say Gackt properly despite much coaching from me. She mangles it .. completely.xP Anyway.] And I was like.. URHH. *heart stops* So I go very intelligently, "Eh?" And she says, "You know. Your Gackt CDs.. Don't you think it's something you just listen to and that's it?" This launched much protestation from me and I was so insulted! "No!! He makes GOOD music. Like your evergreen Chinese singer people!!!" And to that, she gave a disbelieving huff and left my room, probably thinking I'll awaken from this state of teenage craziness and realise that no one, ever, could be like the Chinese singers of yesteryear.

Parents never seem to realise that the songs that are considered evergreen to them, we'll have our own too. It's a generational cycle thing. 10 years from now, I think we'll all still know Backstreet Boys' 'I Want It That Way' and Britney Spears' 'Sometimes'. Or something like that. Haha.=P Likewise, I'll still have Gackt.^_^ Was reviewing how long I've been crazy about this.. guy and I realised it's been practically 7 months or so. Not bad. I'm not even sick of him yet. =) Thank goodness for diversification. Haha.

Duchess of Malfi = Extremely long and confusing analysis. SIGH.(T_T) I still have to do my history!!! Argh.


[music : Circus no Ningyo Inugami Circus-Dan + Honey Vanity Kozi]
[mood : studying!]
[food : --]

Honey Vanity is so damn addictive!!! Even though the words don't make sense to me, apparently.. he was making a comment about Malice Mizer. Or something like that.^_^"

I wasn't planning to come online! But someone said she was online and so.. *looks meaningfully*

Anyway. I watched the last 2 episodes of Tsubasa Chronicle of the Wings today!!! Sigh. And I really quite enjoyed the series..xP Now I just have to hope that CLAMP is ultra productive and produce an anime for Reservoir Chronicles! Haha.=P So sad. I hardly saw all the episodes in Chronicle of the Wings. Seishiro came out again today though. Strangely enough, he was wearing spectacles. I was like eh? O.o I didn't know he wore specs. Haha.=P And I feel very sad for Xiao Lang everytime he gets a bit of Sakura's memory back because as she regains her memories, she forgets him. Ultra sad. (T_T) Poor Xiao Lang. Sigh.

Anyway. You Zhou Kan is carrying that horrendous Gackt article as well.-.-" Like, DUDE totally out of date!!! Plus, he's now sueing the magazine company and the company has withdrawn all the issues with that particular bit of news.-.-"

On the other hand though, You Zhou Kan has a small snippet on KAT-TUN and an entire page dedicated to DBSK. Haha. Apparently, 2 members of KAT-TUN [don't know who they are since only the Chinese words are written..] worked with Ghibli to produce tees for charity and they'll be hosting this charity show in August or something.^_^" They've even got a teeny picture of them holding this flag with a skull on it. Everyone's in white shirts except for Jin who is holding the flag, is right in the center and looks different.=P Haha. And Kame is quoted as saying that he and YamaP will be doing something on Seishun Amigo on the charity show. Yay Zeelei! Haha. Something for you to look forward to downloading after the Prelims.

Now on to the DBSK article. Gosh it's long.xP And Jiamin won't even read this!!! *grumbles* Okay, it's basically a concert report and urh.. There's some mention of Super Juniors as well? Or something like that. Also, they say that DBSK's performance of 2 songs in their unplugged versions left the audience swooning over them or something.=P Apparently, the tickets were 80% sold out and about 8500 fans attended the concert in KL. The stage set-up looks.. *peers* rather basic and their dramatic entrance has them coming down onto stage in some cage-like things. You also have pictures of them dancing! Haha. And You Zhou Kan calls them TVfXQ for some reason unknown to me. Some Korean thing. ^_^" So yes. Jiamin. You can read it by yourself. Haha.

Right. Urhm. That's my bit for today. Nothing much to say.=P O yes. My playlist plans are not working out at all.xP Sigh.

Best be off to study. *sigh* My life is a sad one.


[music : The Flow of Time-in a cradle- Rentrer en Soi + Le Ciel Malice Mizer]
[mood : partially cheerful]
[food : --]

Was listening to HYDE's remake of Lucy in the sky with diamonds. I can't remember who it's originally by. Beatles? Or something? =P In any case, it was quite weird. Haha.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Eiri Yuki's gaze is just. Omg. *melts*

Ahh! Finally! I've finished Gravitation! *beams beams beams*

First manga series I've ever finished! *is proud of self*

Okay fine. I think Shuichi and Eiri Yuki are RATHER cute together.xP Can't fault Eiri Yuki. He's simply too good looking.*melts* Seriously.

The last part with them just sobbing their hearts out was rather urhhh. Angsty. But omg. Eiri Yuki = Very Hot Male. xD

Even in manga the hot guys are gay. Sigh. This is very terrible for the women of tomorrow.xP

Like the Temasek scholars with my brother? O god. I was like, urhh. I think my brother is the best looking one there.O.o The rest were just. xP Urhm. Shan't be mean Shan't be mean..


Gravitation!!! I'm sad that it's ended. I was rather enjoying all the angst and nosebleeds that Shuichi constantly has. However, Eiri Yuki's character went through quite a switch.O.o Rather bizarre. But as I said.. he's goodlooking! So I can forgive him very readily.^_^

The plot was fine overall I guess.. I mean. It got slightly draggy at some points and I was starting to get irritated with Shuichi's bubbly annoying self..-.-" Plus his constant nosebleeds are a pain to keep reading about. Geez man. Control yourself.-.-" Eiri Yuki can be very sweet though. xD *is completely taken in by his good looks..xD*

Characterisation.. I guess the most developed characters were definitely the main ones but I felt that Shuichi's guitarist friend could have been more developed.=P

I didn't like how the artist kept jumping from scene to scene. It was rather .. urh .. distorting to the story? Like, it was a sudden jump from this completely 'romantic' and hilarious *cough*sex*cough* scene to some weird random scene where everyone just stones.O.o Completely strange. So yes. I didn't like her scene-switching much.

And I'm not quite satisfied with the ending except for Eiri Yuki's incredibly cute wink. ;) *beams* Other that that, I was like.. urh.. -.-" It was a bit of a let-down actually because I expected something that was rather sweet but.. apparently not.xP Not that it wasn't sweet. It was in its own way but.. it was kinda strange at the same time.=S

And his gaze!!! Oh his gaze...*slips into dreamy mode* It's as meltful as Gackt's gaze [like in the cello series of pictures]..xD xD xD Hehe.

*sighs dreamily*

Right. Back to IH.=P Jiamin!!! Prepare to take the books from me tomorrow!

Gosh. Blogger is loading at a snail's pace tonight. I wonder why. It was perfectly fine this afternoon...


[music : Egee~sugisarischi kaze to tomo ni~ Malice Mizer + Emu~for my dear~ Gackt]
[mood : meltful]
[food : --]


Gosh. The testimonial thing was quite a failed endeavour.O.o I think it's damn brief. But hey. I'm not torturing my teachers by making them read some long-winded story of my life.


My dad just bought a digital radio. Apparently, it can display the artist name and song title as the music plays if you are tuned into a digital radio station. And guess what he found?

A JK POP STATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Hours!

Of Japanese and Korean pop music!!!

Isn't Gackt practically pop?

Isn't it POSSIBLE that they might play his songs?

They'll probably *cough* play KAT-TUN too.^_^" And w-inds. of course.. I think I heard Rain. Oh. And let's not forget DBSK.

I need to get a portable digital radio NOW.(T_T)

My dad was very pleased with himself when he found he station.-.-" Sadly, the chances of them playing something like Dir en grey are pretty slim so..=S

Ah well. Highlight of my day. It is now time to focus my attentions on something a lot more important. Like IH.=S Gosh. I've got my priorities all wrong.=(

While searching for the testimonial I made last year, I found this poem I wrote! The last 2 lines actually sound rather inspired! I'm quite surprised. [For the record, I can't find that testimonial. Sigh.] It's extremely long since I'm a long-winded freak but. Yes.=S I have this fuzzy memory of me writing it. I really should start writing again. I don't know what's stopping me..

Movement: Inspire

And the world leaps with you.
They soar together,
through the air.
And the song starts in rhythm.
They spring from one step
to another.
And they spin with you.
Every jete, a new flash,
a new moment.
And they drink in every motion.
The pirouette, plie, port de bras,
Graceful, Calm.
And they catch their breath.
They go, one toe to another,
Light as air.
And the music begins again.
They fly as one,
a beautiful symphony.
And they jump to their feet.
They drink in the light,
and wait behind the curtains.

And the world dances with you,
leaps with you,
twirls with you,
loves you.
All emotion poured into movement.
All muscle moving as one.
All songs together in perfect harmony.
All movement beyond description.
The song they inspire,
the movement they invent,
the wonder they bring,
all encapsulated in one.
The very movement of beauty,
the graceful elegance forever.

And I haven't posted poetry in about.. 3 million years. Why am I starting again with a really bad one by me? =S


[music : Fragrance + Cube Gackt]
[mood : agitated]
[food : --]


Was brainstorming with Joyce and Wendaye on testimonials.=P Gosh. I'm rather worried about this whole university application thing.O.o

Was peering at each university's application forms and whatnot. *faints* There is just TOO MUCH INFORMATION.(T_T) Lucky I have a collegeboard account. But still. Argh. Like, o my gosh. I'm doing all this assuming I have studied hard/is studying hard and will thus get in! (T_T) Wails. I need to start studying right about.. now. *nods*

Since I'm putting Michigan as my priority school.. Hmm. *peers* Doesn't look like they offer Japanese!!! *dies* But hmm. They don't offer Chinese in the list and apparently, they have the best Chinese programme in America? Or something like that. You can go there and learn how to speak and read Chinese.=P Haha. Perhaps Japanese comes under Asian studies... *goes to website*

O good. There are Japanese studies. Yay. Haha. But it says.. *cough* Japanese Politics.O.o What's wrong with these people?! *sighs with relief* Okay. Found the Japanese Language course. O my god. Can you imagine studying Japanese politics?! O.o I'll die. Unless like, you want to talk about Koizumi liking Elvis and X Japan. Or something.=S [God I'm bimbotic.-.-"] I think it's really bizarre though, when they tell you how many words you'll learn. Because urhhh I haven't actually counted how many Chinese words I know and I assume I know quite a lot because you need to like, at least 1000 or something to be able to read a newspaper article? Or something like that.O.o So.. How exactly does one keep track?!

Anyway. I'm glad Mr Ngoei got us to write that Student Graduation Certificate rubbish already because they decided to use scare tactics today to try and get everyone to start writing.xP Groan. I didn't add in stuff like Fun-O-Rama and.. urh.. Yes. Fun-O-Rama. Haha.=P I wonder why they are throwing all this at us right before the Prelims. And then that's on top on full school days.O.o Where's the extra time to study for Prelims man?! Geez.

Thankfully, me = never will be scholarship recipient student so I don't have to worry about THAT part at least.xD Haha.

Woohoo! Michigan has affliation with the University of Tokyo [Todai I think. YAY.] for an intensive 2 term course in Tokyo studying Japanese language, and Japan in the modern world: politics, culture, etc. etc. Sadly, it's for Juniors and Seniors only and is only open to those who have a 3.0GPA minimum. Hmm. Isn't the best grade 4.0GPA? Hmm. These American systems are confusing.O.o

Hmm. I'm just rambling on and on.

There have been no Gackt updates lately. Except for the news of the very expensive new special CDs.xP I take it as a good sign. Since you know. It won't send me into fangirl overdrive over this VIP [Very-Important-Period. Ahaha.].

Oh! But he had ONE page in Arena's August issue!! Not bad. It was in colour too. Haha.=P Omg! New scans!!! Okay. Not new new but well.. 2004 scans! YAY.=) O yay! It's a series I've been trying to look for. And ooh! Malice Mizer postcards! *squeals madly* Yay! Haha. *goes on a downloading spree*

Right. Shall *cough* attempt to do my work after dinner. I have to watch MTV today and hope they debut Signal. Haha.=P I wish there was a new Gackt video though. Sigh. It'd be something to look forward to everyday..


[music : Missing + memories Gackt + Karasu iro no taiji Rentrer en Soi]
[mood : ordinary]
[food : --]

I was just thinking today. Do I really go for singers just for their music? Hmm. I guess I do. I mean, I used to be absolutely crazy about composers' music and urhh they aren't exactly chiselled male models.. And I used to completely ADORE Nat King Cole [I still love his music] and he's not very good looking either. I guess this JRock craze started because I love the music and then when you add on the wonderful visual element [hence the name: Visual Kei], it's like the perfect marketing tool that girls like me fall for completely.=P

I saw those Jrock memes before. First song? Gackt's Kimi no tameni dekiru koto. [I swear I heard it.. millions of years ago.] But what made me interested? It's all thanks to Wendaye's iPod! X Japan and Malice Mizer.^_^ The Grande Dames of Jrock.=)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Will the Gackt spending spree never end?

Why does he keep reissuing stuff?! And in such nice packaging too.

Is he trying to boost the Japanese Economy?!

Links here [Each number is a link..]:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The draw of this would be the EXTREMELY good quality sound you get [justifies the higher price tag of 3800yen compared to 3000yen for a normal CD]. But you need a special CD player to be able to experience and enjoy that sound.

Is buying another album of Gackt that I have worth it?


Is buying a better quality sound CD worth it?


Do I have the money to determine whether it's worth it?



I am sad.

Why does he keep doing this to me?!

And I haven't even decided if getting the Red and Blue collections is worth it.




Went on a mp3 downloading spree thanks to this wonderful person who uploaded like, ZILLIONS of songs.xD xD xD I've fortified my Rentrer en Soi collection nicely! ^_^ Also increased the Moi dix Mois collection as well as continued adding on to the endless stream of Dir en Grey. Downloaded some random songs too like more baroque [they are really good! xD] and TOURBILLON, just because I've never heard them before.^_^

JRock's style is really different from english Rock music. I definitely should try looking for english rock music one day when I've got more time.^_^" That would mean investing in say... a 200GB Harddrive. Or something like that.xP Heh.

I love Moi Dix Mois though. Mana's got a really distinctive sound.

But anyway, I was sampling the music while attempting to annotate E4 and boy. I'm so disturbed right now.O.o I am never ever reading Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres. He is one hell of a descriptive writer.(T_T) Can you imagine. Rock music + Very gruesome graphic descriptions of corpses and what not on a battlefield = Extremely traumatised SY.xP [okay. Maybe not traumatised. But it certainly made me hurry to go listen to some happier music.. Like the Vienna Boys' Choir.=P Haha. No angsty banging drums there..] Groan. I thought I'd seen it all in war lit. Apparently not. Now, let's just hope and pray nothing like this comes out in the exams or I'll be too grossed out to write anything except EWWWW! xP Sigh.

I am so pathetic.(T_T)

On the other hand, I'm actually doing my work! This is a good sign.^_^


[music : No one in this world Vienna Boys' Choir + caramel drops baroque + Mephisto Waltz Moi Dix Mois]
[mood : traumatised]
[food : --]

Mephisto Waltz by Moi Dix Mois is really good. I love the beginning with its piano solo.xD Didn't I mention that I have this thing for piano? xD I love Mana. He's great.*beams*


Went to the US University Fair today. It was fairly enlightening I suppose. At least I've narrowed down my choices [didn't have many to start with anyway]. I shall aim for Michigan I guess. Their psychology programme is pretty good and if I hate it, their other courses aren't bad as well. Plus they have overseas study programmes so I can work hard at a Japanese course and hope for the best!!! xD Brilliant.

Otherwise, other universities are good choices too. My priority was placed on Psychology as a major though I urhh forgot to ask about Japanese studies most of the time.^_^" I'm just afraid I'll find out I actually hate psychology and then have a hard time squeezing myself into a Marketing course.xP Sigh. Or you know.. any course I suddenly find incredibly appealing.=P

Yay! Kino!!! *hugs Kino* I love bookstores.*beams* Bought the new Donna Hay magazine and I've been having fun reading the recipes. The rose cupcakes sound easy enough to convert to lavender cupcakes by infusing the milk with lavender and omitting the icing or changing it to purple food colouring-tinged lavender icing.xD And I bought new books too! Like Good Omens, a collaboration between Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. And urh.. A book on this famous Japanese Geisha.^_^ My Geisha-fascination days are over but I still love reading about them. Lesley Downer's book Geisha is particularly I think, as an introduction to the history of geisha and how they are changing in today's modern world.^_^ [My book is yellowed and ugly with age but I love it anyway. Wee!]

I was hunting for a book on Japanese Cuisine, like an introduction on kaiseki and their seasonal foods and such but I only found books on Tea and Japanese Culture. I would have bought a book on Japanese Culture if I had more time to find one I wanted but shopping called!!! [And my dad was grumpy.xP] Never mind. I'm sure there'll be a Kino sale eventually and I can have the opportunity to drag my dad down to Kino where I can hunt for such books in peace.^_^" [Well. Maybe not. Considering how Kino is incredibly crowded on weekends.xP] Or maybe I should just look on Amazon and then go to Kino and ask for it..

I think it's a good sign, this renewed Japanese fascination.^_^" It's a very on-off thing but I realised just now that even after all these years, I'm still fascinated with that country.=P When I was younger I was.. and now I still am.^_^" Haha. I think it should be a constant love like for cooking mags/books and such. How to be a Domestic Goddess is rather affordable at $36!!! But The French Laundry Cookbook is completely out of range at $92. Sigh. Maybe if I become more serious about cooking gourmet food at the end of the year, I can convince my dad to invest.*beams* With the promise of making him something of course. Mwahaha. [In that case, he might buy me "Good Wok Cooking" at worst and the Nobu Cookbook at best.xP]

I've been fascinated by Gackt's Nine Spiral lately. It's one of his more.. hardcore rock songs.=P I love it.*beams* Here are the lyrics and translations. [Each verse's romanji is followed by the translation.]


me no mae ni arawarete wa kie
boku no yume o kirikizamu koe
itsuwari darake no kono yo de

The thing that appeared in front of my eyes vanished
The voice that cut my dreams to pieces
In this world that's full of lies
Tease me...Break me

kimagure shoujo no moyougae
dakishimeaeba kono daichi de
ki ga tsukeba hito wa sarumane

A capricious girl's change
If you can embrace each other on this earth
If you notice a person's an imitation
Pull my strings...Make me live

tooku de kikoeru ano koe
mousou darake no noa no fune

That voice that can be heard distantly
Noah's boat that's full of delusions
Beat me...Stop me
Violate me

lie...mune o kirisaite
koe o ubawarete
me o fusagareta kimi

lie...you who ripped up my chest
robbed me of my voice
stopped up my eyes


Hate me...Pity me
Tease me...Break me
Beat me...Stop me
Violate me...Kill me

nanimokamo okizari ni shite
ima mo mada ano bashou de boku wa kimi dake o miteru

Leave everything behind
Even now at that place I'm only looking at you

lie...mune o kirisaite
koe o ubawarete
me o fusagareta kimi

lie...you who ripped up my chest
robbed me of my voice
stopped up my eyes

lie...yasashiku kirisaite
sotto sakishimete

lie...Gently rip me up
Softly embrace me
Pl-e-a-se-save me

Translations by Mina-P.

Yay! Time for dinner. *beams* Japanese Galore tonight.*beams* This is fabulous. Oh, did I mention I bought new shoes? xD They are pretty!!! Haha.


[music : NINE SPIRAL Gackt]
[mood : bubbly]
[food : Japanese!]

Saturday, July 22, 2006


In between reading this blasted GP Package, which I have determined is the only thing that won't send me to sleep because I can read it while listening to music, I've been checking out the translations of lyrics of songs I'm listening to!


It's rather fascinating actually because I don't understand Japanese. It isn't like English songs where I understand exactly what they are saying. So it's nice to find out and think about what the composer/lyricist wants to convey through his/her music and lyrics.^_^

Random Things I Found Out!
- The lyrics to "Missing" by Gackt are rather depressive. I'm wonder if it's meant to juxtapose with the rather cheerful and positive music/
- Gackt doesn't sing exactly what is written in the lyric book! How strangely bizarre.=S

O well. I'm sleepy. xP This plan isn't working out at all.

I was just thinking if I'd like Gackt so much if he was the most hideous creature ever to walk the universe. Hmm. Probably. He makes great music.

Okay. Allow me to stop before I start trailing off into complete disintegration of language..


Happy Birthday Jiamin!!! =D =D =D


Had a great durian buffet today!!! Haha. Goodwood Park is definitely the place to go for durian, durian, and more durian.=P It was great with durian pancakes, waffles, tarts, crumbles, cake, swiss roll, pudding, ice kachang, puffs.. and you know. Durian.^_^ Yay!!! Haha. You can totally get your durian FIX in this place. Durian is really filling though and I was a bit sick of all that durian by the time we were done. [We had to rest a lot in between taking more food.=P]

I would put up photos but they are all with Jiamin.*looks meaningfully at her*

Wee! After that we went to wander around clothing stores. ;) Found overpriced clothing in Zara though I rather approve of their colour template this season: Black! ^_^

Went to Kino after that.. Nothing new for me but Zeelei had a whale of a time. I guess I would have a whale of a time too if I was a KAT-TUN/Yama-P/Kanjani 8/Kinki Kids fan. In fact, you'd have a whale of a time every single month thanks to such magazines as the strangely named 'Potato' or 'Myojo' or.. such things.^_^" O yes. There's Duet too. Anyway. Jin was RATHER cute I guess.=P Haha. I like his smile! Kame's too!!! But Joon-Ki's still remains the cutest.xD *beams* Anyway. Joyce found her latest Fruits Basket too.=)

Hmm. Took the obligatory neoprints!!! =D =D =D I apologise but somehow.. I can't find my scanner software and my computer has died [Curse you lousy diskdrive!] so.. I took photos instead.^_^" Hope they work out. Wee!

Emo-ated. Attempts to be "emo", a concept that is rather.. urh.. unknown and inexplicable to me.=P

Too Much Durian!!! Haha.=P Plus.. a certain someone is always near so..^_^"

Eeks! I blocked Joyce in this picture..xP *apologises profusely and bonks self* ^_^" The arrows indicate where she is and the kitty is beyond cute is it not? xD

Haha. Zeelei's our Hello Kitty umbrella-toting pimp. ;)

Jiamin's Birthday! ^_^ Sadly, the photograph cannot truly convey the sparkly prettiness of the neoprint. O well. Happy Birthday Jiamin! Wee!

*beams* Hung around the place for a while and played with Jiamin's multi-shot function in her camera to absolutely hilarious results!!! Haha.=P I really should try and use my camera more.=P I'm still completely useless at it and my mom's always complaining that I take lousy shots. Sigh.

Hung around Cine food court [totally glamorous I swear..] for a while before we had to part.^_^ It was fun though!!! Haha.

Ate at the sam lou place in West Coast. It was suitably hot and dirty for a coffeeshop.=P At least the food wasn't bad. My dad was complaining that it was too sweet though. Sigh. Never will I get good sam lou again!!! (T_T)

Was playing with my camera's functions yesterday during the endless advertisements in between MTV JK Nonstop Hits.=P Look! I think this is really cool actually. Haha. You can get the camera to "focus" on one particular colour and make everything else black and white. I'm going to try it out with a red top on one day.. Something obvious to make things stand out more.^_^ As it is.. This is pretty cool already! Haha. Or rather, it is to me.xP I'm easily impressed. Haha. And I tried the sepia tone on myself...

xP It's blurry. So you can't quite see me. And that's the best part about the picture. Mwahaha.xD I love sepia tones though.^_^ Very nice.

Anyway.. I realised I didn't put the track listings for the Jougen no Tsuki concert. Not that anyone except me actually cares but you know..^_^" Indulge me.

Jougen no Tsuki

Part One
Speed Master

Part Two
Kimi ga matteiru kara
Tsuki no Uta~TSUKI no UTA~

Part Three
Kimi ga Oikaketa Yume

Part Four

Orenji no Taiyou

Today was a brilliant day! ^_^ Now if only I could work up some willpower to go study, it'll be perfect.=)

I'm almost done with Gravitation!!! *congratulates self* You know. I just finished book 11 [there are 12 books] and it doesn't seem like it's coming to any conclusion whatsoever.O.o Joyce is right though.. You get faster as you get used to reading manga in Chinese. Haha.=P I'm dying to finish the last book. Gravitation really isn't a bad manga despite all the drama. There's actually character development as seen in Eiri Yuki! And there's some kind of plot as well. Each character is also developed individually so you can see how they are and how they think, etc. etc. I'm quite impressed. I wonder if there are better manga out there? Hmm. Introspectives on Eiri Yuki's part are always welcome. =) Plus, he's so damn goodlooking! *squeals madly* The drawings aren't so nice now though..=S Heh.

Okay. Shall urhm. Attempt to do something more related to school than any of this stuff. Hah.


[music : Last Song + Kimi ga Matteiru Kara Gackt + Karasu iro no taiji Rentrer en Soi]
[mood : excellent]
[food : durian!]


visions of clarity...do as infinity
by witchstone

My Emotible!
starry-eyed: filled with such youthful hope and optimism that one's eyes twinkle even when it's dark

Wish List

ie: motivation to save money!
- clothes
- shoes [heels! boots!]
- the perfect tote
- coats/outerwear! [Soïa & Kyo, Burberry...]
- Gackt - nine*nine
- Gackt Photobooks:
1 The Gift The Sixth Day & Seventh Night Tour Document (2004)
2 Crescent Photobook (out of print)
- Cookbooks!
1 Thomas Keller The French Laundry Cookbook
2 The Nobu Cookbook
3 Emily Luchetti A Passion for Desserts
4 Alice Medrich Pure Dessert
- Anime/Manga
1 Rurouni Kenshin
2 xxxHOLiC
3 Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-
- Proficiency at Japanese!
- Learn French for Food!


My Flickr Page
spoonerisms*inc a food blog (by wendy & I)
my translation blog

follow me on Twitter

Checklist: EAT!

The Common Grill, Chelsea
The Black Pearl, Ann Arbor
Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes, Detroit
Bella Ciao, Ann Arbor
Craft, NYC
Momofuku, NYC
Alinea, Chicago
The French Laundry, California
Goto, Singapore



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template modified by witchstone~.


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