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visions of clarity...do as infinity

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Second Time


So with the end of my exams [yippee!] I decided to rewatch a dorama that I really really enjoy! おせん!~

With today's last exam [I got another prize for Japanese! Beams.] my semester has officially come to an end, and with the academic year finally at a close I also found out that my Japanese teacher is returning to Japan.=( She's doing happier things [getting married!] though so I really hope she has fun. Hehe~ I hope that next semester will be more enjoyable than this one!! ^_^ 楽しみに!~

Despite having watched it very recently [ie: last year], I couldn't help but watch it again - and once again fell in love with the show.=D

And this is after watching Antique [the Korean movie] a second time!

Although both are vastly different, they still show how food is made exquisitely and from scratch, with traditional methods, and the best ingredients. And with おせん, it's about keeping tradition and preserving the methods of creating/preparing food that is the most delicious - it's not always that fast food is good food.

In the last episode, they showed this kid who has never really eaten real food because his parents work all the time and hence survives on instant foods [ie: Cup Noodles! Instant Ramen!]. When served traditional Japanese food, he declares it tasteless and proceeds to squirt ketchup over everything. When I saw that I was really sad.=(

And then I realized that we're all equally guilty of doing such things. Honestly, in Singapore, I really couldn't tell you where I could buy freshly made tofu, or freshly harvested vegetables from a farmer who doesn't live in another country - maybe the hydroponics farm counts but they don't grow everything. Here, there's a movement for eating local and buying local which I think is great because it gets you to think more about where your food comes from, how it was grown, how you can prepare it so that it's own special flavor can be tasted, etc. But more often than not, we have to eat instant foods - which tastes good for a while but not long later [in other words, within 1 or 2 meals], you'll find me craving for freshly prepared food and fresh ingredients like vegetables and fruit.

To me, it's important to know where your food comes from, how it's grown/made, and how it can be prepared in the simplest way possible - a lot of the time when you go to restaurants with really fresh ingredients and stuff, you'll notice they don't use that much seasoning so you can really taste the flavor of the food.

If we do manage to work it out somehow, I hope that our business can hold on to such principles of buying local, buying in season, and doing something good for the rest of the world as well - like how Ben & Jerry's operates or how farmer's markets support local farmers. As well as preserving the old school methods of creating dishes and delicious other things - sadly I have yet to try a palmier or croissant or ... that is not made from butter, fresh from the patisserie that tastes great. It could be just me and my prejudice but I think it's safe to say that I really dislike it when they use palm oil or anything except good butter because there's a weird oily taste.X__X

I hope I can learn more about traditional ways before it all disappears so that I can learn about them, and preserve them.=)

That would be fun indeed!

[music : おせん OST]
[mood : sad]
[food : JAPANESE!!]

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea


I finally submitted my essay and thus have just one thing left to do before the semester is over: complete my Japanese exam! But yesterday, despite the essay, I attended Ralph Williams last lecture as he retires and accepts the first ever Golden Apple Laureate.

He summed up many things, and I can't remember all of them, but he said it perfectly, in a poem, how you might forget the details and the small issues that had occurred but what all this leaves behind is a sweetness that was impressed upon you at that time.

Like the one who sees in a dream,
and after the sleep the feeling impressed on the mind
remains, and the rest does not return to the mind,

thus am I, for almost totally faded from mind
is what I saw, and yet there distills
in my heart a sweetness which is born of it.

- Dante, The Comedy. Paradiso 33.58

Every work in the handout given to us at the lecture corresponded with some point he was trying to make in his last lecture at the university, and they amazingly seemed to embody whatever he was trying to say, and related to the rubrics he stated at the start of the lecture. He sometimes made a point about something, and I had no idea what he meant. But somehow, in just a few lines, he would not only manage to explain what he said and relate to the text that was provided, but he would also manage to ring in me some feeling that made me think, "o my. Why have I never thought of that before?"

I was thinking about it... to be inspired by something isn't just opening a door for someone to go on their way because they were inspired. Rather, inspiring someone chisels another door into them, and then after that inspiration is chiselled there, it is up to the person to push that door, for it might not be easy, open and discover a whole new world of... well. Inspiration.

With every line of his celebrating life, and reminding us to take every moment of our lives to really embrace it and make full use of it, I thought of all the other things people have to think about. And while watching my anime today [the final episode! WEEPS.], they equated Fear with Obligation, Responsibility, and Accountability for they generate bonds that a person feels to whatever they feel obliged to. It's probably never occurred anywhere, but today we cannot pursue a dream wholeheartedly because when a dream is being pursued, there are other things to think about - the stakes, the obligations, the resources... No longer can we simply think, "I want to chase my dream" and go for it.

Or maybe we can. And those who do that succeed for they have more determination than I.

All along the way I've been looking for that something in life that I want to do. Although I've learnt that it doesn't have to be the case, when I was much younger that simply equated to what I wanted to work as and what I wanted to study. The big unknown after that called jobs and employment didn't, of course, occur to a person who was still in school and had many years to go. Certainly things changed and evolved along the way, and "dreams", aspirations all turned to dust or rather, dusty memories that were shelved at the back of my mind. And before I knew it, before I'd decided on anything, and before I knew what I wanted, I wound up in university. Suddenly I had to decide on what I wanted to do. I had to choose something that would be "useful" as a career. Hopefully it would coincide with my interests - but did that really matter when one is looking for a job? Wouldn't it be impractical to think that interests lie above job search?

Even now, I like to believe that dreams and interests and loves are the first priority. Of course, reality set in after a while but ... I don't get it. Still. Why do people deem degrees in humanities and social sciences like literature, history, cultural studies and so on as relatively more "useless"? What makes a degree like engineering, accountancy, or microbiology more "useful"? For jobs that require some kind of skill-set, I suppose that might answer my question. Lawyers, accountants, architects... They wouldn't be there if they hadn't studied those subjects. How about everyone else then? What makes your degree so much better or so much more useful than mine?

Why do I have to work in a field just because I'm studying it? Why can't I work in any field of my choosing as long as it doesn't require a specialized degree? Why are people insistent on fitting everyone into moulds, "type of degree", "level of degree", "usefulness", etc. ?

The freedom that is so elusive can be found in so many places - the freedom of expression, poetry weaved from words without care for sentences and whatnot, dance created from motion that can be from anywhere.

I still don't know what I want to do. I have this vague idea of what I think will be fun - and these vague ideas generally turn out not too bad. Going to ACJC was a vague idea, studying psychology was a vague idea, learning Japanese was a vague idea all at one point. But my life would be so different if I hadn't taken these paths. So maybe I should just carry on having these vague ideas of life - letting life take me where it wants to and following the flow.

Bring me the sunflower that I may transplant it
Into my desert soil burned over with salt
And that it may show all the day long to the azure mirrors of heaven
The anxiety of its gentle yellow face.

Dark things turn to the light,
Colours empty themselves out in a flow of hues;
These words of mine tend to music.
To vanish into something other is therefore the greatest of all fortunes.

Bring me the plant which leads where clear transparencies arise
And life turns to air as its essence,
Bring me the sunflower, madly in love with the light.

- Eugenio Montale, The Sunflower

So how, with this rage of life and surging changes, shall beauty, the joys and bright things we discover and experience, hold a plea, a place in our hearts and minds?

How, indeed, with this rage shall beauty hold a plea?


[music : Adia Sarah Mclachlan + モザイクカケラ SunSet Swish + 孤独のカケラ Angela Aki]
[mood : thoughtful and sleepy]
[food : bubble tea? sushi!]

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Monday, April 20, 2009

As the semester draws to a close...


Well, today was my last day of classes that I actually cared about. Tomorrow's just Intro to the Study of Asian Cultures but I don't really care much for it so... As my last class of the day [and last official class of the semester - tomorrow's an exam..] ended, and as I remembered the professors/lecturers thanking us for the semester, it suddenly struck me that even though I really really dislike exams and homework and endless readings, I enjoyed this semester. A lot. Because I had classes I actually wanted to take and willingly took.

Japanese Cinema

After taking this class, I can't say I have developed a new love for Japanese cinema because, well, I've always liked movies from Japan. Rather, I'd say that I've developed not only a deeper understanding of film from Japan - but also about film studies in general. I've always watched movies from the perspective of the layman - knowing nothing about film technique, knowing little about the directors, actors, and historical context and what not. And I wouldn't say I rarely watched movies, I've watched the most insipid shows made merely to showcase the goodlooking people in the show, to movies that are inspired and very brilliant, and even shows that I completely didn't understand and was totally lost. But after faithfully attending every screening this semester, I must say that I've discovered new things - for example, silent films and black & white films aren't all that bad, it really depends on how they are made. I've found that I really like Kurosawa and Ozu as directors, and that the simplest stories put in the hands of brilliant auteurs can turn into something spectacular to watch. And I've learnt much more about making films from the perspective of the people behind the cameras - editing, shooting, etc. It's very interesting I must say.

I also think my professor is pretty brilliant - she's modest yet opinionated and very very entertaining when I started to appreciate her classes a little more. The deadpan humor of [what I think characterizes] Asians also makes her classes fun. It's really sad that she's a visiting professor because there probably won't be anymore classes on Japanese film studies.=( And that makes me sad.

Some films that I've enjoyed a lot in this class and that I highly recommend [if you can find them, some aren't available readily or are my professor's copies that were translated by friends. Or something like that.]:
- 羅生門 Rashomon, Kurosawa Akira, 1950
- 何が彼女をそうさせたか What Made Her Do It?, 1929
- 生まれては見たけれど。。。I Was Born, But..., Ozu Yasujiro, 1932
- 七人の侍 Seven Samurai, Kurosawa Akira, 1954
- 野良犬 Stray Dog, Kurosawa Akira, 1949
- 晩春 Late Spring, Ozu Yasujiro, 1949
- 巨人と玩具 Giants and Toys, Masumura Yasuzo, 1958
- 青春残酷物語 Cruel Story of Youth, Oshima Nagisa, 1960
- ゆれる Sway, Nishikawa Mika, 2006
[Plus! All of them are probably given a stamp of approval from my professor; if not, why would she show them right? =P]

So after this little introduction to Japanese Cinema, even if it was difficult to understand at times, and a little boring at others, it's a class I really really enjoyed thoroughly.=D

Organizational Psychology

Ah, the only branch of psychology that appeals to me slightly as a career! =P I wouldn't say I enjoyed this class the same way I enjoyed my cinema class, rather it was more like I thoroughly liked the lectures because my professor was entertaining! [I sense a trend here..] I thought discussions were absolutely useless but we did have some pretty fun activities like filling out those network surveys and stuff - pretty useless but they did give you a better understanding of yourself. Somehow. But it puzzles me because essentially, organizational psychology is about taking commonsensical ideas and concepts that you apply without thinking in your everyday life and putting them into a more scientifically acceptable form of theories, experiments, and long write-ups. Still, the readings were mostly really interesting because they talk about using researched concepts and applying them to your life - from culture in organizations to leadership, I think we covered most concepts.

Sometimes when you take a course, it's only after it's over that you realize, omg I never ever want to do anything to do with that again! [Cue my experience with physics. Ewww.] But after this brush with the introduction to organizational psychology, it makes me think "I probably wouldn't mind doing this at all." =) I guess that's discovery for you.

Third-Year Japanese

My favorite class every semester is inevitably Japanese class! =D It's relaxing, and fun! And of course, you get to interact with the cutest teachers on campus. There's just something I must say that seems to prevail in every Japanese teacher - an inherent cuteness in the way they react and deal with things. It's great! Haha. And it makes class super duper fun. Of course, learning Japanese and realizing that you can understand more and more of what's happening in doramas and anime helps a lot in terms of motivation..

In our last class, we were talking about communication - communicating your message effectively to other people in order to pass it on [I think it had to do with the environment, about a greenie group in Japan called A SEED Japan] and when we ended, 先生 talked about how she hopes that we'll all continue using Japanese as a form of communication in our lives [many people stop taking Japanese after finishing 3rd year], and passing on our own message to many other people so we too can inspire, motivate, and actualize things. When I heard that, I felt rather sad because most of the teachers who've taught me so far don't teach 4th year Japanese so there ended my interaction with them.(T_T) This is like when we had to bid Satou sensei farewell after year 2!!! (T_T)


I guess that's what it means to establish student-teacher relationships. They are cyclical, and very short - lasting only a period of time that exists in a created space [the classroom]. And classes last just that period - the designated amount of time given to you to learn about a subject. In other words, I suppose we'll have to develop for ourselves learning through the ages, and pick our own paths and interests in life.^_^ That's why I'm happy that after finishing all the introductory classes, I can now begin to take classes that delve deeper into topics that I'm interested in.=D

And now, it's time to edit my paper *weeps* and study for my exam/quiz *weeps again*.


[music : 新不了情 殷正洋's version + 草原蒙古人家]
[mood : contemplative + tired]
[food : peanut butter & Ritz!]

Jiamin: Yes. Our YOSHIKI! From X Japan? I thought I showed this to you like, 3 million times before?!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009



Recently, while studying, I've been hooked on this song. Somehow, the very simple melody and soulful voices just connect with me. Haha. And no, I don't actually understand it - or at least I understand it as much as the Mandarin subtitles tell me because the actual song is in Mongolian.=D

It's by the same people who sang 吉祥三寶, my other favorite Mongolian song! =D

The song is about a daughter singing to her father who is in Ulan Bator while he sings to his daughter who remains in their hometown village. =) Quite sweet no?

Ok.. Time to tackle those short answer questions! =)

[music : 烏蘭巴托的爸爸 吉祥三宝]
[mood : zen *ommm*]
[food : Chicken Broccoli Stirfry + Crab Cheese Rangoon!]

PS: Crab Cheese Rangoon is a totally American invention and I feel sad that it's labelled as Chinese food but it's actually pretty good.=X Oops.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring is in the Air!


The weather is AMAZING! Look at it! There's sun! Not a cloud to be seen! The temperature is steadily rising! It's actually starting to get a bit warm.O__o Maybe this light jacket was unnecessary...

Of course, I still love snow and wish snow + warmish weather could co-exist. But o well. Might as well rejoice at the different seasons I've gotten to experience.=)

I've been writing my paper all morning... And after this, I'll have to continue writing it before starting on my other paper and hopefully I will be done on both by tomorrow so I can study for my exam and my quiz starting tomorrow! YAY. *pretends this is a good thing*

Ok. I hope I can finish this paper soon. I'm already halfway through.=D BEAMS! Then I'll have time to edit it!! YAY.

*remains positive*

[music : the annoyingly happy Wish Arashi]
[mood : energetic - maybe all that sleep was a good thing]
[food : guotie!]

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Studying and Music~


The past few days [and the next 2 weeks!] have been [and will be] horrible.=( Study study study, read read read, research research research. xP ARGH. And next week after I THINK everything is over, I'll have to pack and move out!!! Sobs. So much for a restful end to the semester. At least things will be over soon and the summer break will begin!!!

Anyway, all I have left to do is prepare for 2 exams, 1 project presentation, 1 quiz [essentially an exam but my professor obviously has issues with the word..], 3 papers [please. kill. me.], packing, and using up all the ingredients in the house! That last bit sounds like the most fun.^_^ It's not like I don't do that on a regular basis anyway. Haha..


YOSHIKI Feat. Nicole Scherzinger - I'll Be Your Love

I'll be your love
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow

There's a time
You feel like you're lost
Feel the night will never end
Through the daybreak
It's hard to hold on
But there is tomorrow
Brings you to your senses
As the sun will make it's way

You'll make it there
To the place where reality and dreams
And love will be together
I'll keep the light from fading
If the clouds blind your way
And the wind sways your faith

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow
Let me see you smile

Don't you cry
Over the past
Some days might be gray
And dreary
Not easy to leave
To leave it behind
'Til the rain stops in silence
I'll be there to hold your heart

I'll be with you
'Til you find the reason for love
We take it for granted
We'll keep the time from fading
''cause the world is here to stay
Your hope is deeper than pain

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow

If you would believe
Believe in the world
A vision of love
And the strength inside your heart
You'll find a way

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow
I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone

宇多田ヒカル - Flavor of Life

The flavor of life… The flavor of life…

収穫の日を夢見てる 青いフルーツ


The flavor of life… The flavor of life…




The flavor of life

忘れかけていた人の香りを 突然思い出す頃
降りつもる雪の白さをもっと 素直に喜びたいよ

あたたかな未来 手にしたいよ
限りある時間を 君と過ごしたい

The flavor of life… The flavor of life…

許美靜 - 城裡的月光












Ahh. I love these songs.=D They are very restful too~ And good for studying to! ^_^ And do you realize that they are in 3 different languages that I understand? Wow.

Disturbingly, I have also rediscovered 邓丽君...


[music : I'll Be Your Love YOSHIKI Feat. Nicole Scherzinger + Flavor of Life 宇多田ヒカル + 城里的月光 許美靜]
[mood : stressed...]
[food : 排骨饭!!!]

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Death Cab for Cutie


I'm finally getting through the stack of readings that has been languishing in various places of my existence [the shadow of them in my mind... the stack on the floor... the random pieces on my desk... the bundles of them in my bag...] and I've realized that some of them are actually rather interesting! *shock*

But anyway...

I've been hooked on listening to Death Cab for Cutie on repeat recently.. X__X And this is after creating my Japanese study playlist! (T_T) Don't worry, I'm not abandoning Gackt just yet... But Death Cab for Cutie has such calming songs that's great to study to. Haha.=P And somehow they remind me of Coldplay in the quiet, yet nice song kind of way. I don't even know if that makes sense..^_^"

I like them so much, I bought their CD on Amazon! Waiting for it to arrive~ Along with my dessert book!!! On reintepreting Asian desserts.=D Can't wait! [I can experiment after exams~ YAY!]

Another thing I've been drooling over [actually, I've been drooling over her photography for ages, but I just never posted them..] are these photos by this professional photographer from Singapore who is our age and is a friend of a friend!

Isn't that cool?


Snagged from her website zemotion.

I adore the way she can capture motion, emotions, and detail all at the same time.=)

She's done high fashion shoots, advertising shoots, runway shoots, and goodness knows what else. I guess if you've got talent, you really should go all out to pursue your passion while you can! ^_^

It's kind of hard to imagine that she's the same age as we are.=)

And today we were talking about what classes we're taking next semester and everything.. I realized that while it's important to fulfill all the requirements for my majors.. I should go do some B-school classes and other random classes that I think I'll like! Because despite academics being very important, I think learning and growing is important too.^_^ But GL and I are doing dance together next semester!! I'm very excited~

Next winter though, it'll be time to look through the b-school list and see what marketing, organizational behavior/psychology classes they might offer.=)

It'll soon be my turn to find that niche in life. It's probably not going to lie in schoolwork or academics.. [hence the stacks of readings that I'm still going through.. And undone papers.. Ahh..] And probably not the kitchen either [not talented enough..], although I realized that I really must either find a lot of technical books or just go to baking school because I have so many questions and no answers! =( Hmm. I guess everyone has a niche somewhere, even if they don't, there's a compromise you can make or find. And so to seek out that place in life is something that most people aim for...

I wonder where it'll be?


[music : Transatlanticism + The Sound of Settling + Photobooth + Passenger Seat + Tiny Vessels Death Cab for Cutie]
[mood : contemplative]
[food : bubble tea!~]

Sam: But today's weather was beautiful!

Zeelei: Don't worry, I won't defect and go to the dark[ish] side called K-Fandom! Haha. I plan to stay loyal to Gackt and Hyde and... xD We can squeal together!! [Even if everyone else has defected..]

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Snowing in Spring~


It's SNOWING!! For real!! In Spring!! Hahahaha. =D And thus:

俳句 / Haiku


haru ga kita
mada yuki wo furu
ureshii na

Spring has come
Snow still falls


mayonaka no
sora kara yuki wo
shizuka furu

In the middle of the night
snow from the sky
silently falls

Snow!!! YAY.=D And to think everyone was sure spring was coming.. =P But hooray~ Snow! Hopefully it doesn't get icy though since it's wont to being warm in the day but cold at night now.. =((

Back to work. (T_T)

[music : This Love + 孤独のカケラ アンジェラ・アキ]
[mood : ^_^v]
[food : Panera!~]

xw: Bean? Oh! Chicago? HAHA.

Don: Poke?

Wendaye: At first I thought you were talking about Big Bang Love Juvenile A and I was like, first that's Japanese second isn't it damn old? But.. ok. Hahaha. Who is this Big Bang?? O__o Some Korean singing group? And yea.. w-inds. is so quiet.. Maybe they are letting age catch up with them..

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Thursday, April 02, 2009




科学の実利(じつり:practical theory/principle)を使って、警察の監査することに答えを探せる!すごいなあ~ それから、ドラマのactorsのコンビがいいと思う!二人はとてもかわいいし、見る時いつも笑っている~







[音楽 :菊千代と申します Pink Martini]
[気分 :平気]
[食べている : tortilla chips + artichoke spinach dip from Whole Foods!]

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Yao Xu's Birthday Week: Chicago


So I'm finally getting round to posting these photos.. ^_^" Heh. But anyway, Yao Xu's visit here was one of the highlights of the semester because we went to ... Chicago!!!

It was super fun and we ate yummy~ food! ^_^

One of the things I love in Chicago: The Bean! at Millennium Park.=) It's really pretty, reflects all the cityscape around it, and lends itself brilliantly to our favorite pasttime: 自拍!

How to take photos with the Bean
1) Pose in front of it
2) Turn around and beam at your own reflection
3) Lean against it and take doubles of yourself
4) Many many more..

Along the Magnificent Mile, the characters from a famous American Gothic work of art have been represented as statues!

YX's Birthday Dinner!!

I hadn't eaten such food in such a place in quite a while, so even if it was really for YX's birthday, I was pretty pleased with everything too! =P

My scallop appetizer: Sea Scallops seared and served with beurre blanc with leeks and onions, topped with hibikko~
SO good.=D =D =D

My confit entree: Confit de Canard [and magret] served with a rosti like potato cake, and with cherry sauce.
Mmm. =D

The desserts we shared!

Profiteroles filled with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and topped with Warm Chocolate Sauce
The profiteroles themselves were disappointing as the choux was totally overbaked.=( But the ice cream was nice. Haha.

Thankfully, we ordered a 2nd dessert!

Chocolate Fondant served with Strawberries and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
SO GOOD.... Not as amazingly amazing as the one at Nobu but this was delicious!!!

We shopped 2 days in a row [didn't buy much though.=( And the tax there is higher! =(], ate a lot everyday, and had a great time!!!

At Cheesecake Factory:

My shrimp pasta entree~ It was better than I expected. Haha.

And of course, how can you not eat cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory?

The 30th Anniversary special Cheesecake: Layers of fudge chocolate cake with layers of cheesecake - much more delicious and chocolatey than expected!! ^_^ Yummy~

YX's Strawberry Cheesecake: The best one actually!!! Haha.. I realized that if you just eat the cheesecake alone, it's absolutely much better than what I've had before - the strawberries are a nice complement but really, I just liked the original taste of the cheesecake.

All this cheesecake wants me to make my own Japanese cheesecake, and go back to Singapore to get more Japanese cheesecake, after which I want to buy cheesecake again in JAPAN! =P

Ahh Chicago. It was a really fun weekend.=) But!! We did more rubbish throughout the week.. Didn't take photos of everything but we went for the UMMA opening, went to eat at Matsu-chan ramen [I have photos of that of course! =P], and went for the Maple Syrup Festival in Mason, Michigan [a few photos..]!!! ^_^

I totally need to explore and go see more of the Midwest before I leave...^_^


[music : DAYBREAK'S BELL L'arc en Ciel]
[mood : Galileo Galileo~]
[food : Mama Instant Noodles!]

Jiamin: Dirty laundry? It's entertainment!! Haha. And it makes me shudder everytime I watch that video.=P Mickey is hideous. Sorry Wendy. =X

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visions of clarity...do as infinity
by witchstone

My Emotible!
starry-eyed: filled with such youthful hope and optimism that one's eyes twinkle even when it's dark

Wish List

ie: motivation to save money!
- clothes
- shoes [heels! boots!]
- the perfect tote
- coats/outerwear! [Soïa & Kyo, Burberry...]
- Gackt - nine*nine
- Gackt Photobooks:
1 The Gift The Sixth Day & Seventh Night Tour Document (2004)
2 Crescent Photobook (out of print)
- Cookbooks!
1 Thomas Keller The French Laundry Cookbook
2 The Nobu Cookbook
3 Emily Luchetti A Passion for Desserts
4 Alice Medrich Pure Dessert
- Anime/Manga
1 Rurouni Kenshin
2 xxxHOLiC
3 Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-
- Proficiency at Japanese!
- Learn French for Food!


My Flickr Page
spoonerisms*inc a food blog (by wendy & I)
my translation blog

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Checklist: EAT!

The Common Grill, Chelsea
The Black Pearl, Ann Arbor
Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes, Detroit
Bella Ciao, Ann Arbor
Craft, NYC
Momofuku, NYC
Alinea, Chicago
The French Laundry, California
Goto, Singapore



February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010



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