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visions of clarity...do as infinity

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Day of Culture


Just returned from dinner, and a free performance by the New York Philharmonic near the apartment!!! =D Free stuff is so awesome I swear. Haha...


It's been a long time since my last ballet performance [viewing it that is] and truth be told, I was pretty excited.^_^ When was the last time I had seen people dance...? Honestly, I can't remember. =( That's how long ago it was. Horrors.

So... my brother and I went to the ballet for a matinee performance of Don Quixote by the American Ballet Theatre. Truth be told, I wasn't blown away by the performance but it had a beautiful set and very nice costuming. =X The front focused way too much on storyline, leaving all the actual dancing [as opposed to prancing around stage swinging their skirts] for the end when there was this sudden overkill of solos during the last act. X__X And the principal dancer took an entire act to warm up. Hmm. Thankfully she was pretty good in the end so I wasn't completely underwhelmed ^_^"

I'm looking forward to seeing the New York City Ballet and Balanchine's last ballerina's final performance. =D


After dinner, we were walking home and suddenly heard strains of classical music coming from the direction of the park next to the cathedral! So we popped over to take a look and guess what, a free concert at the cathedral by the New York Philharmonic! =) Well, the cathedral was at maximum capacity so we settled outside, listening to the music being piped out to us via speakers in the gardens. ^_^" Amidst groups of other people, who brought chairs or blankets to laze on the grass and appreciate some music as the day turned to night.

To further culture myself, I've been watching あんどーなつ! It's a dorama about a girl who ends up working in a wagashi shop and loving it, learning more about Japan's culture on the way~ But at the same time, I've been unculturing myself by watching 月の恋人 which has the annoying presence of a certain Chinese actress..-_-" Still, both are equally interesting but truth be told, I'm liking 素直になれなくて the most this season!!! ^_^ It's honestly the best dorama I've seen this season and I think the Ueno Juri + Eita pairing is the best!~ ✩






[music : many types X__X]
[mood : full...]
[food : Thai Corn Fritters!]

PS: Hipster HYDE in ANGEL TRIP. O__O!

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Away From Greenery


Currently, I'm on the Bolt Bus, bolting back to New York City's Penn Station to catch a train home, returning from Washington DC. Well, we should have arrived by now had the traffic cooperated but Memorial Day weekend is such and we are still on the road.

Although I hadn't realized it as much when I was here, New York City is pretty much devoid of greenery. What exists does so in large quantities (re: Central Park or other smaller Parks like Riverside), but you can hardly say that you are surrounded by trees and other such green beings.

On the other hand, in DC, there were vast quantities of plant life everywhere and boy, did it feel good. =) Yep, I had forgotten the joy of being surrounded by trees and nature which is possible in Ann Arbor (hello, wilderness everywhere) and Singapore (trees lining every road to shelter you from the heat). Perhaps it is for this reason that NYC can get so bloody hot. X__x Horrors.

And so, with such a sad thought in mind, what conclusion did I come up with? Spend more time at parks! Go to seek out the wilderness more often! [OK, there's hardly any
wilderness so to speak in NYC but I guess the equivalent would be the parks...?] And, get a fan to generate some longed-for breeze. The heat is killing me.

The weekend in DC was super chill and relaxed... We didn't achieve very much [didn't cover
every single museum, or memorial, or... sight-seeing locale] but we did have a nice weekend with home-cooked food [hooray!], a play [very funny], and an art gallery [gorgeous - should have gone there earlier. REGRET.]. Not that you can't have nice weekends in NYC, I'm sure that's entirely possible... But the strength of DC is the free museums and free attractions =P It makes life a lot less stressful when you don't feel you need to make every penny of the admission ticket worth its weight in time.

I missed the home-cooked food the most though. Being able to cook for myself in Ann Arbor has spoiled me for sure... X__X It's back to take-out, and eating out. *gulps* And
healthy meals, of course. Yogurt and fruit anyone?

Oh look, we're entering a tunnel to NYC, and it's crowded as hell! I think we'll be stuck here for a while so let me go back to snoozing. It's very soothing.


[music : Anima Mundi Rentrer en Soi]
[mood : dizzy from the bus ride X__X]
[food : vegetables!]

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010



Nope I'm not talking about that hilarious segment on the Jay Leno show... What I'm thinking about instead is the illegal crossing of roads when the lights have yet to change.

It amused me, when I came to New York, because I have noticed that jaywalking all over the world is essentially, well, the same.

First, you have to peer carefully around that car/truck/street light that's blocking your sight, while you gingerly inch forward toward the road.

Then, when it is safe, you either stroll over in a luxuriously slow and calm manner...

Or you experience mild panic when you realize you were wrong and there's actually a car hurtling your way, and you run.

Finally, you reach your destination (the other side of the road), heave a silent sigh of relief, and carry on your way, with no feelings of guilt whatsoever.

Sure, it's pretty dangerous to attempt to outrun a car who is careening in your direction, and I'm pretty sure most parents do not approve of their little kids attempting to cross the road in such a foolhardy manner. But particularly in big cities, no one has the patience to stand there, waiting for the light to change, before slowly crossing the street. I used to be like that in Singapore, couldn't wait to cross the street and just carry on wherever I was heading for, charging across the roads and getting angry horn blasts in my direction...

But then I got to Ann Arbor, and life slowed down. Car coming? Oh let it pass... won't take more than a couple of minutes anyway. Red light? Let me stand here and watch life go by... I didn't realize of course, that I was doing this until I came to New York and the pace of life picked up. I love the city. Essentially, I'm a city girl at heart... living in quiet countryside is really more a
holiday thing than a permanent thing. But then I realized... is living in such a fast, high-stress, crowded place the best thing for yourself? Not really...

Before, I would have done anything to live and work in New York City. Why not? It's a place with fantastic opportunities, a place to meet people from everywhere, a place with anything you could ever want... But the living conditions? Urgh. It's dusty (too many cars, too few trees), crowded (people
everywhere), expensive (lowly paychecks like mine probably won't cut it for sure...)... Now, after living in Ann Arbor, I've realized that the quality of living is really important for long-term residency.

That said though, working in a big city would still be my first choice. Living though... maybe commuting wouldn't be so bad.=P

It's bizarre how my mind works. Haha. However did I connect all this, just from the initial thought of jaywalking? =P


[music : Need You Now Lady Antebellum + ロビンソン スピッツ]
[mood : HOT. The weather is horrible xP]
[food : 豆腐花!!!]

PS: I've added a little character thingie that changes everyday to the side bar!! It's located under the credits and is uber cute. ^_^

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Living the High Line


Am currently on the Acela Express to Boston from New York City, and enjoying the privileges all weekend that you cannot experience on a student budget. =P I am grateful by the way, in case no one has noticed.

The whole graduation weekend has involved eating like a king (or queen, depending on whether you're feminist or not) and it's not even over because we have one more awesome meal awaiting when we return to New York from Boston. =D YAY.

Unfortunately, the crappy weather has been a turn-off, what with all the rain and wind... And I'm sure my poor friends in Ann Arbor have not been spared. I guess at least they have a place to call
home, in every relative sense of the word, whereas I have been moving around, and taking each day as it comes.

I was pretty pleased to arrive in New York just last week, thinking that I could basically while away the vacation and do nothing with my life before starting the internship with full speed. Unfortunately, it hasn't
quite worked out as planned (3 broadway shows and 2 giant dinners under my belt so far) and thus, sleep is a distant memory. Still, it's nice to enjoy the city without a student budget for once.=) The food is amazing (eaten everything from streetside dining to three star delights), and the broadway shows too.

Posting photos will come soon (I hope) and then, the long days of nothingness! ^_^ Oh I cannot wait.


[music : Daybreak's Bell L'arc en Ciel]
[mood : happy tummy]
[food : too many to dream of~]

Sam: Thanks for the reminder ^_^

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Stuff They Don't Teach You in School


This is a longgg overdue post but I just got back from watching the Addams Family musical which reminded me that I loved Morticia Addams when I was a kid and watched it! Maybe that started my long love affair with black =P

Anyway, after spending those long hours with Sam watching movies like crazy, I realized that there's something to be learned from every show! (let's see if I can actually remember the shows we watched...)

In alphabetical order... of the shows I can remember. ^_^"

Capitalism: A Love Story
- Sensationalism never fails. Especially when it involves poor people and rich people.

In Bruges
- You should check on the facts before following up on following your principles.

Mona Lisa Smile
- No matter how much good you do for people, universities will never appreciate it!

Monsters Inc.
- Laughter is more powerful than fear.

- California is awesome for road tripping and alcohol doesn't always make you braver (more like a jackass at times).

The Bourne Identity
- $30 million dollars goes a long way in survival skill training.

The Bourne Supremacy
- Car chases can get better in sequels.

The Bourne Ultimatum
- Trilogy endings can be a bit of a let-down.

The Butterfly Effect
- Kill yourself before you do bad things to other people.

The Cat Returns
- Avoid drunken old cat kings and go for hot, smooth ones instead.

The Class
- Er. I didn't really get this so... Don't be an asshole of a teacher?

ETA Thanks to Sam!
The Producers
- Don't worry if you're some boring old accountant in a firm that doesn't appreciate you, spot the next broadway producer on your way to getting their accounts done, and live the high life!

The Proposal
- It doesn't matter how useless the guy is in New York, he's an Alaskan Prince! (And you should really visit his castle on an island.)

- Totoro being cute is enough to excuse the whingey little girls in the show.

Whip It
- Pursue your dreams and break your parents' hearts in the process! It'll all somehow work out in the end.

Maybe the next list will be musicals! =P Addams Family: being miserable doesn't make you unhappy, it just makes you appreciate life (and death) more! Plus, black is an awesome color.=D

The musical itself wasn't the best I've seen but it was extremely enjoyable and even cute at times.=) There were several draggy bits which I wasn't too keen on, however, it was a fun ride and I loved the 2 leads! ^_^


[music : Addams Family musical~]
[mood : tired]
[food : Chicken Lamb Rice!!! xD]

Sam: *gravely* Your ex-roommate chiselled a terrible impression into me.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Packing Continues (And the Laptop Fan Incessantly Protests)


So thanks to Sam (who's presence is seriously a blessing in disguise), my packing has actually been making some sort of progress. Most of my stuff are already in boxes, half of which has been moved to the storage area... and those unpacked are generally meant to be packed away in my luggage, and taken to New York.

I need to get cracking on the whole luggage for New York thing. xP I've already packed up the box of things my parents are kindly bringing back to Singapore for me, but everything else is still in pretty much, a scattered mess.

Organized mess that is. I can still find everything despite what seems to be chaos (organized chaos) in the house. Somehow... People's minds work in strange ways.

I wondered how people can be so neat on the computer but not in life (like study tables... rooms... and whatnot). And I realized... that maybe it's just easier to keep the computer neat as opposed to physical stuff. Putting things in folders is painless but packing things on a collapsing shelf is not. Which, I guess, somehow explains my problem with keeping my room and table clean and neat. Things that are easily stowed and packed away out of sight are where they should be... But things that don't have a permanent place in my life are just... scattered around, waiting to come into use.

Are relationships like that too?

I really hope not... Can you imagine if someone who is a permanent fixture in your life is stowed in a fixed position of your conscience but suddenly... disappears? Unlike a file or a book that can take the place of the missing object, I wonder what can replace that relationship that is gone...

This isn't an emotional post -_-" Just wondering about life in general, since I have all this time on my hands (apart from the whole packing thing xO...). And honestly, I can't wait to get to New York and just rot there as much as possible until my brain is needed again.^_^" Somehow, when things slow down, there's nothing that pleases me more than doing stuff that allows my brain to just drift off into... nowhere in general. (Which is the entire point.)

While typing this entire entry (and slogging through slowww internet), my laptop fan has been whirring incessantly. I wonder if it's a sign. The last time this happened, I had to get the fan replaced. Please laptop, please hold out for just one more year!!! I swear I'll take care of you!!!

Although this post doesn't really seem to have any point whatsoever, it makes me wonder if having a blog has any point whatsoever. Airing your thoughts in a public space (and what could be more public or accessible than the internet? All you need is a connection, a website address, and the ability to understand that language.) as opposed to a personal journal. Do people really care what you think...? Or is this simply a form of catharsis in a public way?

Something I read before said that packing up your table is like clearing your mind. I wonder if this move is having the same effect on me.


[music : haven't listened to much lately]
[mood : ^_~]
[food : mmmm something hopefully healthy...?]

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wonders of the Sea

How can anyone want to ruin this planet?


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Transitioning to Days with No Agenda


Finally, a moment in a quiet place (the library) where I can sit down and use the internet
in peace. The only reason I haven't been able to do this is because the internet at home is history and there's been just way too many things happening around me. X__X

*deep breath* It's nice to just sit in the library, with barely a soul around, and use the internet to my heart's content. =) And with DVDs to watch tonight from the media library, I am all set for an agenda-less existence.

That is to say, until I er start packing. Which will occur. Soon. Of course. Ahem.

Graduation weekend was insane but it was pretty fun! I'm sad though, that GL and XW have graduated. ;_; But I'm sure I'll see them again. Yay.

But basically, life is good now that everything is quietening down. Time to post pictures!!! This is everything from April till Graduation... Haha... Obviously I need to catch up.=P

Daffodils up north!

Post-Exam-Arb-Stroll! Beautiful sun-dappled leaves~

Tulips in full bloom at medical campus!

Seaweed chicken version 2 that I made for our rehearsal picnic at the arb!! =) [Version 1 was in Spring of Freshman year =P]

Strawberry Champagne Chocolate Cupcake from Cake Nouveau in Kerrytown~ It was actually one of the nicest cupcakes I've eaten here!

At Argo Park!!! Pre-Sam surgery look =P
What were we doing at Argo Park...? Look below~

Enjoying the weather and...

Shooting photos of earrings! ^_^

And after we were done at Argo Park, off we went to Izakaya Sampei in Canton to indulge (once again) in 鴨鍋 (Kamonabe; duck hotpot)!! SO GOOD. I want to go there again...

This weekend was graduation weekend!!!

Blurry shot of us in line at the big house, waiting to get our seats for the commencement ceremony~

I think I'm really good at capturing the right moment when the subtitle captions appear on screen. HAHA.

Great background!!! This is after the whole commencement thing.=)

*many many negative infinity*
I'll miss being in Michigan with them: my first 2 friends in eastquad. ^_^

It's kind of a sad moment to realize that my first 2 friends in east quad everrr have graduated and now we're left in school but at the same time, I'm happy that they're now "Adults" and are going on to their next stages in life. ^_^

Bittersweet moments galore.


[music : Love So Sweet Arashi]
[mood : ~_^]
[food : mmm. Cai?]

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visions of clarity...do as infinity
by witchstone

My Emotible!
starry-eyed: filled with such youthful hope and optimism that one's eyes twinkle even when it's dark

Wish List

ie: motivation to save money!
- clothes
- shoes [heels! boots!]
- the perfect tote
- coats/outerwear! [Soïa & Kyo, Burberry...]
- Gackt - nine*nine
- Gackt Photobooks:
1 The Gift The Sixth Day & Seventh Night Tour Document (2004)
2 Crescent Photobook (out of print)
- Cookbooks!
1 Thomas Keller The French Laundry Cookbook
2 The Nobu Cookbook
3 Emily Luchetti A Passion for Desserts
4 Alice Medrich Pure Dessert
- Anime/Manga
1 Rurouni Kenshin
2 xxxHOLiC
3 Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-
- Proficiency at Japanese!
- Learn French for Food!


My Flickr Page
spoonerisms*inc a food blog (by wendy & I)
my translation blog

follow me on Twitter

Checklist: EAT!

The Common Grill, Chelsea
The Black Pearl, Ann Arbor
Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes, Detroit
Bella Ciao, Ann Arbor
Craft, NYC
Momofuku, NYC
Alinea, Chicago
The French Laundry, California
Goto, Singapore



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template modified by witchstone~.


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